Chapter Thirteen

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The moment Evie assuredly claims she feels better, she requests for me to take her home and I reluctantly comply. She did have the choice to stay at my house if she wanted, but she seemed so certain, like inevitability was already chasing after her and did not want it her to catch her spontaneously in a defenselessness state, and a part of me understood, so I let the lost bird go, I let her return to her fraying life.

I finish all my homework and assignments for the week before eating some takeout with Sean and coming back upstairs to shower, and as the faucet elicits a façade of revitalising water, I almost feel all my stress and anxiety spiral down the plughole with it. I emerge from my bathroom and swiftly towel-dry my hair before slipping into my pajamas and preparing myself for the effortlessly best part of my evening, talking to my dear Powers.

“Hey, I have an idea,” I say to Scott after one hour, thirty four minutes and-counting on the phone.

“Oh, how I love your perpetual state of inquisitiveness.” He deadpans and I tell him to shut up before explaining.

“Well, considering both our…families want to meet us, maybe we should all have one big dinner. You know, just to save the trouble.” This is a good idea, I’m sure of it, until I hear Scott rub his face in exasperation on the end of the line. I take notice of how much he’s doing that lately, I hope I’m not pushing him too hard. But what’s so bad about this idea?

“Sky, my dad’s a dick. I don’t think you should talk to him.”

“Scott, I’m sure he’s fi-”

“No,” he interrupts. “He’s a condescending bastard and I don’t want you to speak to him. Okay?” He sounds restless, irritated.

“Okay.” I say, even though it’s not. This is not fair, I know his father has done unlawful things in the past, but apart from Scott he has a family who loves him, and regardless, he is Scott’s dad. I never pick out on opportunities to meet other people’s parents, it’s important since I only have one of mine. Plus, Scott shouldn’t decide who I can and cannot meet, why does he think I can’t handle it? Amongst many things I hate, underestimation is one. My mind ponders as my brain pieces together a plan that will most likely involve lying to Scott, in order to get this happening.

“You can come to my house for dinner with my dad, then.” I lie. My heart jumps around a bit waiting for his reply but suddenly my phone starts to buzz, saying I have another incoming call. “Hold on, Scott, someone is on the other line.” I answer the other person and resultantly, my jaw lowers. Shit. Why did I not look at the caller ID beforehand so I could brace myself?



“Sky, I trusted you. Now Evie’s avoiding me.”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to tell Wanda,”

“What? Wanda told me that she found out from people at school that you told.”

My brows furrow. “Kit, I wasn’t even in school today.”


“Yep. What did Wanda say to you? Tell me everything.”

What a shit-stirrer, I think as I listen to Kit explain to me the ridiculous allegations that Wanda has made against me. Apparently, I went around school today telling people about Kit crushing on Evie because I’m, I don’t know, supposedly jealous, and I’ve pretended that I haven’t done anything. Someone is going to get a fucking ear-full when I go into school tomorrow, that someone being Wanda-freaking-Bentley. I mean, Wanda’s never really been one for loyalty but this is absolutely stupendous. I thought she was my friend.

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