Chapter Six

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I savour the following weeks as they are effortless and fulfilling. A breeze, as Evie or Wanda would say. I’ve been spending more time with Fran and Kit and I’ve honestly come to appreciate them a lot. Having new people in my life distracts me from the constant and underlying pain nagging at me, reminding me that I have so recently lost my mother. I guess it will never go away, but there will be easier times than others.

I’ve also been spending more time with Scott. And I’ve come to realise, the lust I feel for him is vast. He’s just—he’s so great to be around. It’s confusing and rhapsodic all at the same time.

Although, some nights when I’m on the threshold of sleep, the image of Dylan and Serena enters my mind. My breaths get faster, and my tears start surfacing, and I have to blink my way out of it. It feels like I am trying to escape from a pitch black abyss but I have no idea where the freaking exit is. Like I am running towards an exit which doesn’t exist. Thinking about them makes me wonder why people ever do bad things.

It’s Friday afternoon and I’m sitting agitatedly in Religion class, staring at the clock. I can’t wait for school to finish, I’ve arranged a get together at my house after school which you could say has a sole purpose of helping Kit with his plans to seduce Evie or whatever, but I really just want to hang out with all my friends. But I feel a little guilty because Evie is dating Noah, and I like Noah. Well, I guess I’m only slightly aiding Kit by putting him in the same room as her. Noah and Eves are on rocky grounds, anyway.


When last period is finally over, I meet Evie by her trusty Lexus in the student parking lot and she takes us on the five minute drive to my house.

Before everyone arrives we decide to touch up our makeup and fluff up our hair, which fundamentally, results in Evie and I fighting over the blow dryer. After a few minutes, we hear a ring and when I answer the door I’m surprised to see that Scott is punctual, sexily smirking as he always does. He greets us before giving me a resonant hug and kisses Evies hand before she swats him.


Within the next fifteen minutes, Wanda, Noah, and Kit arrive and the banter is as prominent as ever. We begin to play truth or dare and I groan when the bottle just so happens to point at me.

“Truth,” I sigh as everyone chuckles and sniggers. Wanda hmms before speaking.

“How far did you go with Dylan?” I wince inwardly at the sound of his name. This question is a little personal but we’re over and he’s the biggest dick ever. We’ve gotten up to second base which, for our school, is deemed to be minimal. Hence why I class almost everyone as barbie-sluts.

I’m still thinking. Maybe I shouldn’t keep what we’ve done a secret, but I don’t want to sound like a prude. But why should I care what people think of me anyway? My mind shoots back and forth deciding on whether to spill or not. Before anyone can suspect I’m hiding anything, I speak.

“We, uh,” I gulp. “You know.”

“No, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sky. Could you please explain further?” A condescending Evie bats her eyelashes at me and I grit my teeth.

“We went all the way.”

“What, like went all the way to Disneyland?” She jokes and I roll my eyes at her. I begin to wonder why, like the many other times I have before, I’m best friends with Evie James.

“Okay, Evie, that’s enough.” Scott’s jaw clenches and she shrugs. Everyone looks uncomfortable. I think Evie may have pushed for an answer because I didn’t tell her I had sex with Dylan. Even though though I actually didn’t. God, lying to friends is the worst.

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