11. Crazy idea

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After they left, I walk back in my room, smiling like crazy. Even though my skin is burning so bad.

But it was so worth it. It helped me get closer with Shawn. So, I dont regret it for a second.

I hear the door open.

"Your phone was still outside" Colin says, biting then into the pizza slice he is holding.

"When did you get back?" I ask him confused.

"Like five minutes ago" He shrugs and is about to close the door after he throws my phone onto the bed.

"Wait" I say. "Where have you been though?" I ask.

"I had a date" He smirks.

"No way" I laugh.

"Before you say anything stupid, you know that I can take your phone with me again and not give it back, ever" He threatens, making me laugh even more.

"Fine, goodnight then" I say.

"Good night" Colin nods and closes the door again.

I take my phone and see that Ive some messages on there. Messages from Nolan.

*Hey. I hate it when we dont talk and I miss you sitting next to me, could you please come back to me and my friends* He sent that earlier today and one more some hours later. Asking me to come see him in the park tonight.

Well, I guess I missed that, but I probably wouldnt even want to go there in first place. Especially after knowing that he lied.

I lock my phone and throw it back onto the bed, yet taking care of my own skin. After that, I lay into my bed myself. Not even fifteen minutes later I feel my skin burning again.

So I start thinking.

Smiling when a great idea pops into my head. Its way past midnight, which means my parents should be asleep. Which also means that its perfect.

I jump into my bikini and grab my phone when I tip toe back downstairs. Making my way towards the pool.

As soon as I feel the cold water brush over my skin, I couldnt help but smile. Thats probably the best idea I had in a long time.

I sit there just relaxing for a while. I even lost track on time. I didnt to a thing, until I hear my phone buzz.

I swim over to the edge its laying and see that Ive a text from Shawn.

*Are you still up?* He sent.

*Yeah, why?* I send, waiting for him to reply. He doesnt take long though.

*Do you still have a little bit more of that lotion for me?* He sent, making me laugh.

*Yeah sure, you can come get it tomorrow, before you go to your training* I send.

*No, please. I need it now, my skin is burning. Ill come get it, okay?* he sends.

He actually wants to come over again.

*Its 2am, you know that, right?* I send.

*Yes, Ill just sneak out* He sends and then I see him leave the chat.

*Wear your swim shorts* I send. After about five minutes of waiting I quickly tip toe to the front door, hoping Im not leaving too much wet spots with the water, that is still dripping down.

I open the door and wait for him. Shaking slightly when the wind brushes over my wet skin. I see something move in the bush, which causes me to walk a small step back into the house.

Screaming when something jumps out. Well, someone.

"Oh my god, shh" Shawn whispers and moves his hands.

"Are you out of your mind?" I whisper yell and hit him.

"You should have seen your face though" he laughs, making me roll my eyes. "Why are you wet?" Shawn asks.

Its when I grab his hand and pull him inside the house behind me.

"You will be wet too" I say and close the door.

"Wait" He pauses. "Is that a pick-up line?" He adds.

I just sigh and pull him all the way out to the garden.

"Are you sure about that?" Shawn whispers when he sees the pool. I nod and get in. It doesnt take him long to get out of his shirt and follow me into the water. And by the face he is making, I can tell that he likes it.

"Okay, that is fucking awesome" He says.

"I know right" I say and lean back into the water. The water is really damn cold actually, but since our skin is heated it feels just right. Even though the wind is making it slightly cold, but luckily, its not that cold yet.

"So, you were here the entire time and didnt ask me over?" Shawn teases, pinching his eyes in a playful way.

"I thought you are sleeping already" I shrug.

"Its Saturday" He comments. "And theres seriously no way I can sleep like that" He turns, showing me his bright red back.

"Oh my god" My eyebrows furrow.

"But its better now" He nods.

We stay in the water for a while, just relaxing a bit. We stay as long as possible, till it actually gets kind of cold.

"Should we go back inside?" I ask.

"Yeah we probably should"

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