2. The Neighbours

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When I feel myself waking up, I move very slow. Its not me being just sleepy, I actually dont want to draw too much attention. Slightly I lift my head to see if he is still in that room. He isn't. He is gone, but his bag is still laying there.

I quickly put my pants on, not really wanting to be seen in underwear. Then suddenly I hear the doorbell ring. My eyes look out of the window again, not sure what to think. Could he be right in front of the door and if he is, why?

I walk out of my room and down the stairs. Mum is opening the door and when she sees who is there, she looks kind of annoyed.

"Where are your keys? You dont have them for nothing!" My Mum yells.

"I left them upstairs in my room" Colin says when he walks inside with a big grin on his face. "You know what?" He adds. "The neighbors are such great people. They are so polite and friendly" He says while holding milk in his hand.

I get it, just because theyve given him some milk for his breakfast, he loves them. To understand this better, impressing Colin isnt that hard. Just give him food and he loves you.

He said their last name is Mendes and that they have an extreme cool motorbike. Well, Colin loves bikes too.

Im still waiting for him to say something about a boy or like one more person living there. But it seems like he doesnt know either.

So I ate something myself and am now back walking my way to my room. Closing the door behind me Im searching my phone. Looking for it I notice something move in the corner of my eye.

And when I check to see what it was, I see him. This time wearing some more clothes. He doesn't really see me staring. He is doing something near his wardrobe. I quickly look in the mirror, making sure I dont look that bad. My hair is just a little messy. So I fix that a bit, also thinking that I might close my curtains. Since I dont really want to stalk him anymore and I also dont want to be stalked.

When I look back at him, he is looking at me too. Its like my heart stopped for a second. I watch how his eyebrows furrow a bit. This is actually the first time I see his whole face. Acting very awkward and just standing there, also feeling a bit guilty for staring at him.

He strokes with his hand through his hair, smiling a little at me. I awkwardly smile back and lift my hand and wave, watching him laugh. Then he grabs a helmet and gets out of the room again.

"Why did I do that?" I mumble, looking at the hand which just awkwardly waved at him. "Why the hell did I do that?" I repeat, getting a bit pissed at myself.

I shrug when I hear the doorbell ring. So I make my way down to let Colin in. Halfway down I see Colin is the one opening the door. And when he opens it all the way I see him again.

Im the first thing his eyes catch. Colin turns back to look at me, obviously confused as hell.

"Hey" The boy smiles, looking at my brother. "Are your parents there?" He adds.

"Why do you need them?" Colin asks with his eyebrows furrowed. All in protective mode.

"I dont. My mum just sends me to ask if youd like to come over for dinner tomorrow? Its like a tradition to invite the new neighbors" He explains.

"Wait a sec" Colin says and walks in the direction of the kitchen, leaving him there. So he looks back at me, smiling again before he looks down at his hand and lifts it a little, waving at me.

"Are you making fun of me?" I say and walk the last few steps down towards him. Acknowledging how tall he actually is.

"Maybe" He shrugs, lifting an eyebrow while hes looking down at me. I pinch my eyes a little, causing him to laugh.

"Well, Im-" He starts, stretching his hand out to me, but gets cut off by Colin coming back.

"Yeah, we are free tomorrow" Colin says while walking back to the door again and blocking me a bit with his back.

"Cool. Uhm-" He smiles, looking back at me.

"See you tomorrow" Colin says and closes the door.

"7pm" He manages to say before the door closed.

"Youre unbelievable" I say and walk back upstairs in my room.

"What?" Colin says, but I didnt bother turning around.

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