Chapter 5: Suga

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I clicked on the 'History' button and started to look through his history. What can I say I love being nosy.

At first it was normal stuff like YouTube, gaming stuff, recording programs, etc. Until some links caught my eye and caused my jaw to drop.


I screamed and started to laugh my absolute ass off. I checked the date and time. It was not long ago and at 12am. 'Dang, late night boner or something?'

There was a few other links to porn websites making me laugh even harder. "I can't believe the one and only Min Yoongi watches porn-"

"What are you doing?"

I froze and slowly turned my head towards the voice.

"Hiiii Yoongi," I said slowly as he quickly went to his computer.

"Why are you looking through my history?!" He swiftly turned off his computer. "I have private stuff in there!"

"Oh so like porn?" I asked laughing as he got embarrassed and laughed nervously.

"I'm a normal guy ok! All guys do it!" He ruffled his hair and sighed as I poked him.

"I can't believe you watch porn Suga Oppa!" I teased him as he became flustered. "Hah this is priceless-"

"Eat some food, ya noisy head," he commanded as he stuffed a piece of bread in my mouth.

I chewed and laughed as he sighed heavily.

"Don't feel flustered, Mint Head," I smiled as he rolled his eyes and smiled back.


A few days has pasted and I've been really getting to know BTS. They're all just super sweet and goofy kids. But when performing they're absolutely perfect! And whenever you messed with them, hehe, that's a death sentence.

I was walking into my home room with a smile on my face. I sat in my seat and looked at the rest of the members.

They seemed sad.

"Hey what's wrong and where's Suga?" I asked with concern written over my face.

"Noona, Yoongi won't be here today," Jungkook said in a low voice.

"What why?"

"His mother got in an accident," V answered my question as my eyes widen.

'Holy shit.'

It was after school and I went straight to Suga's house. I rang the doorbell. "Suga! It's me, Yoonhae! Let me in!" I softly yelled.

After a few minutes the door slowly opened. I peaked inside and saw Yoongi. He looked terrible

His eyes were red and puffy and he looked so tired.

I stretched out my arms about to give him a hug until he gently shoved my arms away. I looked at him confused.

"What to you want, Yoonhae?" He asked in a cold tone making me get taken back.

"I um...just want to help you, I heard about your mother," I whispered softly as I looked at him.

"Wow my savior," he said sarcastically as I scoffed.

"I'm just trying to help a friend!" I protested as I glared at him.


I looked down at my feet. Why did it hurt? Why did my heart felt like it's been shattered.

"I-I'm sorry...I guess I will leave you then," I said with pain in my voice. I quickly turned my heel and started running in the unknown.

"No w-wait Yoonhae!" He called out but I ignored him and kept on running.

Here we go again.

I'm crying. And no one is there for me.

All over again.


I called out for Yoonhae but she ignored me and kept going. I gripped my hair and punched the wall, making a hole. I sighed and yelled. I didn't know what I was feeling anymore.

I got myself together and sighed.

'I have to apologize to Yoonhae.'

I quickly got up and started to run after her.

She was a friend and I hurt her like that. 'Why are you like this, Yoongi?'

I kept running and looking for Yoonhae. I finally reached the park and saw her sitting on a bench.

A smile appeared on my face and as I was about to call out her name until I realized Taehyung was sitting next to her. Hugging her as she cried in his arms.

The smile disappeared from my lips and my heart felt like it stopped.

'Why are you making me feel like this? What are you doing to me, Yoonhae?'


I was crying alone on a bench in the park. I hugged my knees.

"Yoonhae is that you?" A familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw V standing in front of me. I wiped away my tears and gave a weak smile. "Oh hi Taehyung!"

"Yoonhae, what happened?! Why are you crying?!" He yelled out as he sat next to me.

"Oh nothing!" I sniffed as he hugged me. I started to tear up then started to cry all over again. "Fuck, Taehyung why does it hurt?"

He rubbed my back as I cried in his arms. I hugged him tightly as I hide my face in the crook of the neck.

I felt safe.

I looked up at him.

"Thank you Taehyung, I appreciate your  kindness," I smiled as he did his boxy smile.

"Now, what happened?" I sighed and started to tell him the whole story. He listened then sighed.

"He's just like that. He never really liked drooling fangirls. He appreciated all their support but he thinks they can get out of hand. Until he met you, all of us thought you were different. We all like you, Yoonhae, he's just upset about his mother. Don't take anything serious," he reassured me as I hugged him.

"Thank you again, your amazing, V!"

I Am Here For You {Min Yoongi / Suga}Where stories live. Discover now