Mitch blushed at the nickname, "Thanks baby."

Scott nodded his head towards their door, "Come on."

Parking was a pain in the ass, if you asked Scott. Everyone had gotten there early and it was fucking awful.

Scott let out a breath when they finally found a parking spot, "Fucking finally."

Mitch giggled at him because Scott has been road raging the whole time, "Calm down, baby. I can't have you upset, we're trying to have fun."

Scott rolled his eyes, "I know, baby."

Mitch smiled and hopped out of the car, landing on the ground and shutting the door.

The sun was still out, but was setting so, of course, there was a beautiful sunset.

Mitch walked around to the back of the car, meeting Scott there and intertwining their hands.

They walked to the side walk and were immediately engulfed by the huge crowd.

Scott held on to Mitch's hand so much it hurt Mitch a little, but Mitch found it endearing, how much Scott was trying to keep him safe.

Scott turned to check on him, "Are you okay walking? I know your feet start to hurt?"

Mitch shrugged, "They hurt a little but- oh!-" Mitch was cut off by Scott sweeping him off of his feet, picking Mitch up by his hips and setting Mitch on Scott's left hip, carrying him like a child.

Mitch wrapped his arms around Scott's neck, "You don't have to carry me." He said.

"Yes I do. Can't have my princess hurting. I want you to have a good time."

Mitch blushed and smiled a little, letting Scott carry him.

Once they reached their designated area, Scott let Mitch point where he wanted to sit.

"Are you sure?" Scott asked.

Mitch nodded and they walked over to the spot Mitch pointed at, Scott setting Mitch back down on his feet.

Scott took the blanket from underneath his arm and laid it out.

Mitch looked around and spotted all the food stands that were up, finding one that sells fried Oreos.

He gasped and turned to Scott, "Can we get fried Oreos, please."

Scott stood upright and smiled a little at him, "We can get whatever you want, babygirl."

Mitch's smile was wide, "You don't have to do that Scottie, I'll just get the fried Oreos."

Scott kissed Mitch's forehead, "You can have anything you want, Mitchie."

Mitch bit his lip and nodded, taking Scott's hand and following Scott to the food stand.

Scott was true to his word and got Mitch anything he even looked at and anything he ever mentioned looked good, Mitch eventually tried to hide the fact that he wanted something but Scott wasn't blind and always saw Mitch drooling over it.

They made a few trips to an ATM, to which Mitch would complain that Scott is spending too much on him, but Scott just ignored him and continued to get out more money.

Scott bought Mitch tons of food and a giant stuffed bear.

They eventually sat down with all their trays of food and began eating, waiting for the fireworks to start. The sun had completely gone down, leaving it dark outside besides the giant bridge going over the river, which was lit up with all different colors.

Across the river was the stadium they were shooting the fireworks at and Scott and Mitch had gotten the perfect view.

As soon as the fireworks started, Mitch's heart jumped at every sound, and a smile stayed on his face.

Scott would sometimes glance over at the fireworks but most of his attention was on Mitch, and the way the colors from the fireworks made his features stand out, or how his eyes lit up at the look of the fireworks.

Scott was glad they'd gone out.


I have a few more book ideas, although the books won't be out until after DMWSHBF is over or maybe after '05 Ford Mustang is over, because I can only do about two books at once, three if I already wrote the book and just haven't published it.

I have so many ideas though that I don't know what book to do after DMWSHBF, so I might need y'alls help with that.

If you wanna vote on it please comment here>>>

If I don't have enough people willing to vote then I won't do it and I'll just pick a book out myself.

Also, tell me if you want me to continue with the NEWS LETTERS. I did a trail run with it and wanna know y'alls opinions if I should continue it or not.

All my LOVE

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