Chapter 11- Running

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That up there is the sexy Xavier Knight! He is older than everyone else. Like 19 or i don't know which. Just think of him as two to three years older than izzy. Comment, vote, and love.

Ok so right now i am on the run from my friends. Remember how they brought me back to the place that almost killed me. Yeah that didn't sit too well with me.

After i got of the plane i made a bee-line towards the exit but as you know i aint getting nowhere with xaviers salty ass. He made the guys surround me in a protective circle also known as a prison to insure that i don't run away. I could not even get a foot out without being snapped at. My movements were monitored by the mil-seconds.

Me being me i shouted extra loud the words rape causing a huge scene. Of course by the looks of it, it did look like i was being held against my will. WHICH I WAS! Therefore all the boys including xavier got tackled by security guards and were getting roughed up for the supposed "rape". Hey i'm sorry but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.

Right now i am at a McDonald with a hijacked car. I know i know how can i just steal a car like this. But desperate times calls for desperate measures. I know i'm dead when they find me especially xavier but right not all i could do is enjoy this fattening burger. I know they'll find me because i would never leave without my sweet baby ava. I finish my food with disgusted stares from people around. I guess they've never seen someones mouth open that wide for food and not something nasty. Ah-ah -ah dick choo. Bless me.

As im skipping out the building sipping my soda(sounds like a song. SKIPPING OUT THE BUILDING SIPPING MY SODA!!! nobody steal this.) i spotted something that made be wish i was dead.

Xavier fucking Knight looking like an anger bull with steam coming out his ears was 30-40 feet away from me. Man did he look fine. SHIT what the fuck am i thinking. Im about to die and all i can think of is his sexy ass. He noticed me and let me tell you the amount of redness on his face was enough to make my period weep. His face had a few scratch marks and a bruises, but he still looked as sexy as ever. He was getting closer as i just stood there and gaped. Finally my brain started function again so i ran as fast as i could to my car. I slam the car door shut making sure to lock every door.

Not making that mistake thrice. YES not once not twice but THRICE.


A loud smack on the car causes me to jump and scream in fright making me drop the keys. With a pounding heart and trembling hands i turn to face the window to find a furious xavier staring at me with fire in his eyes. He's literally smoking. Not like that you pervs, he is burning me with his glare.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" he roars causing me to literally piss in my pants. Ha its not been the first. Of course i do the complete opposite. I grab the keys off the ground and start the car. It roars to life and goes about 15 feet before dying. 'God please have mercy on this sad soul.'

Suddenly a big gunky rock comes flying through the window almost hitting me in the head. I turn to look at xavier so fast i almost get whip lash. He has this demonic smile on his once anger face as he starts walking towards me creepily.

I jump out the car without thinking a sprint towards the woods. There is no way in hell that i was staying anywhere near that monster. I couldn't think all i did was run. I ran and ran until i stopped hearing the heavy footsteps. Being lighter helps me be faster then him. Trees are blurs as i make a beeline to a rock like cliff. Under is a small cave that i slip into.

I curl into a ball in the dirt and try to stop my heavy breathing. Finally i let everything that just happened sink in. Tears blur my eyes as i relive his face as the rock smashed the window. It was almost like he was trying to hit. If it did i would have definitely been left in a deep coma or even died. I silently cry because of the scary smile that was one his face. He looked like a complete psycho an i've never been more afraid for my life. I thought he would never hurt me but this has be trembling in fear. BECAUSE of him.

I feel strong arms pull me out from the rock. I know exactly who it is and i tense immediately. "Calm down calm down." he shushes in my ears. This makes me go into a state of panic. Tears start flowing from my tightly sealed eyes an i thrash wildly in his hold. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I scream trying so hard to make my lungs work.

His hold on me tightens. I breathe in and out trying to rid the traumatizing images in my head. I stop thrashing around and stay limp in his arms but my eyes would just not stop leaking. I look up through my blurry vision to see xavier looking down at me with sadness.

"Im sorry princess im so sorry." he says while stroking my cheek. I unconsciously flinch and hear his breathe hitch.

"Y-you t-tried to h-hurt me." It truly hurts when someone you care about trys to intentionally hurt you.

"I know and im sorry, i just lost control and it'll never happen again. I so sorry."

I let his words sink in as he continues to sooth me. My eye lids get heavier and heavier with the passing time. I feel myself being lifted and carried. I try to fight of the wave of tiredness that just hit me but it causes me to yawn.

The last thing i hear is, "Sleep well my princess." Then im met with total darkness.

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