Chapter 7-The real izzy

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That my friends is konner up there! I have nothing to say but Hi so goodbye!!! I just realized i said i wanted to say hi but i said bye too*face palm*. Please send your virtual prayers.



After a couple of minutes, xavier spoke up, "Lissa i know were bonding and everything but the sudden need for isabelle to meet us after does many many times she didn't come?"

What he said made my heart start pounding, i swear they could hear it. After he said everything turn deadly quiet and serious. I was getting used to them by now but now Its was scary.

Lissa looked at me but all i was giving her were pleading eyes. Instead of being on my side like the cousin she's supposed to be. She sighs. "Guys can we go to living room and talk?You might want to hear the whole story before you decide how you feel."

And with that last sentence she walked out the room with hunter and the gang right behind her. Im kinda regretting ever calling Liss up and getting into her car.

Well the sooner i talk to them the soon i get back to Ava.....hopefully alive!


While we were walking into the living room i had the sudden urge to just run into a room and lock it so i dont have to talk. Im pretty sure xavier would break the door down with his delicious mouthwatering muscl-anyways! 

We sat down, me and liss facing them and them facing us. They looked pretty ruthless right now. Don't you dare tell them i said that.

They stared at liss an i waiting for an explanation.

"So nice weather we're having today hunh," i breathe out, stalling for time.

Looking around at each other they all pulled out their guns, giving me blank looks daring me to keep stalling.

Well it's either tell them or die... Let me think Nhmmmn...

"Okay so about 8 months ago my dad died from a heart attack and my mom started getting deep into depression. School was worse because he was loved by all in my town so i got blamed about him dying and leaving "a piece of crap" here instead."Anyways i used to get bullied but after my dad died it got worse. They beat me until i was sent to the hospital, i nearly died one time. I almost got run over by them many times. So i decided to get a breather and come here to stay...... so you heard it that's my pity story."

"I know ho-"

Before max could finish the windows around the house were shattered and bullets were being fired, from where, i dont know.

I leaped onto the floor and quickly crawling to lissa, who passed me a gun, for what i also dont know

After she skillfully shot a couple of bullets she turned to me,"Please be careful and don't get shot. Stay low to the ground."

"I will," i told her and she crawls away shooting at people.

Everybody was shooting at each other and i thought it was over. Guys in all red came from who knows where and outnumbered them. They looked like red sumo ninjas, well thats great, at a time like this im joking around. The guys in red grabbed the twins, ally,violet , xavier, konner, lucas, alec, emma, violet, lissa, zoe and max. They brought them to someone the looked liked their leader. Dang he ugly. 

"Get all their weapons and dont let them escape," the leader said gruffly. Four red ninjas grabbed their guns and knives while they struggled to get free.

It's quite funny how they dont know im here let alone behind the couch.

"Alright let's finish what we came here to do," the leader shouted while the ninjas grin like fools. That's when they pointed their guns at the gang.

"Damn" i mutter to myself. Sighing deeply i make eye contact with each of them. Lissa had tears about to spill out of her eyes, but she quickly dried them away. Nathan and lucas looked grim and konner was somewhere else.

If they let alone i get out alive, I was going to eat all their food.

Alec made contact with me and mouthed, 'run away'. Xavier was staring at me with no emotion and Max was expressionless.

I dont know why xavier was staring at me with such a gaze, it's like he was looking right through me. Well now i have to have my cover blown. It was nice knowing innocent izabelle. 

I stood up slowly and calmly and walked around from the couch, while reaching for the two guns in each of my boots and two knives in my bra.

Whistling loudly to gain their attention i start to talk, "Tsk tsk tsk what a shame. How could you forget about lil old me. That pains me you know, a lot." Me being all dramatic and whatever put my hand on my heart like i was just shot. I'll end up getting shot if i keep this up. "Shows how much you truly care and love me" i pout out.

The leader looked at me like i had just lost my mind, to be honest they all did. I probably am really losing it.

Suddenly one of the sumo ninjas trys to grab me. First mistake.

Before he could lay a finger on me i roundhouse kick him in the jaw and heard a satisfying crack of bones breaking. He fell to the ground groaning in pain and whispered,"Please i beg you dont harm me, i have a wife and kids." Second mistake.

You could tell he was lying, cause he said it with no emotion or love. I bend down to his level with a blank stare whispering a sweet,"Toodles"

Grabbing a knife from my boots and slammed down hard into his heart. Looking up i find the leader and his sumos with shocked expressions.

I dont take a glance at liss and the gang cause you know i had my hands full right about now.


And just like an on switch they all came charging at me head on. The closest guy looked at me ready to attack but i had already pulled out my gun and shot him and two others. I then quickly got tackled and i was at the bottom with a gun to my head. I did the only sane thing i could think i stabbed him in the eye with the longest knife i had in my bra. Blood gushed everywhere including onto me. Yes that was the only logic thing i could do. 

They instantly start firing at but i cover myself with the body i had just killed. I started spinning and shooting and spinning and shooting until it was just me and the leader. I made sure no to kill and of lissas friends. 

Walking directly towards him i say, "Me and you, no weapons just us."

"You're on little girl," he said smirking. He was probably thinking a big burly man like himself could take on a mere 5'4 girl. Bring it on punk. 

He sent a punch at me but i dodged kicking him in the leg. He dropped to the floor but just as quickly tackled me down with him. He put a gun to my face ready to pull the trigger when i do the unexpected.

I grind my sex against his. Moaning he loosens the hold on the gun. I started trailing light kisses in his neck up to his ears. He puts his gun down and puts his hand on my butt. Third mistake. He looks up at me with a lustful stare. I smile and say,"Tell the devil i said Hi."

With one last look i shoot him in the head and chest. Men of course they'd die trying to fuck.

Finally i can go eat my Doritos.

I go back to the couch to watch some teen titans and eat forgetting about the gang staring at me wide eyed and open mouthed.

Sitting down on the couch i start eating and watching tv like the boss i am......

Get ready Bloody Shots cause there's a new bitch in town!!! 😈👹☠💀

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