Chapter 3-Leaving and Meeting

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I had nothing to say but i'm saying this which makes it something, which means I turned nothing into something. !!!!MIND BLOWN!!!!  Now that im done wasting your time you may keep reading......

Read my new book, Famous In Love


When I got home I started writing a letter to my mom so when she woke wouldn't be worried.


Greatest mom in the world, I will be gone for a while but i promise i'll be back. I dont know when but I will surely be back, especially for a mother like you here for me. Don't worry about me I will be fine. I just need some time away from here and the people. I love and hope to see you soon. I already have every thing planned so dont panic. I wont tell you where im going but ill always be near you. You dont need to come look for me because its better this way. When i come back please be ready for the unexpected. love you so much mom. Don't forget about me and take care of yourself. Don't stay a single pringle either mom. When we reunite it'll be the best thing in the world, but for now i leave today. 



P.S. look in your nightstand and use what i left you. I have more than enough for my self... Bye mom. 

With that I gave my mom a quick , soft hug and kiss and left to pack for New York. I know its not that far but its far away from here. I packed 8 jeans and 8 shirts because I was just going to buy new clothes in NY. I left my phone because I didnt want my mom to track me. Looking inside my bottom stand I found the heart shaped lock of me my dad and mom all smiling two weeks before he died. I started tearing up but I wanted to be strong so i just put its on so I wouldn't forget about it. With that i took a last look at my house and stepped into the cab and waved goodbye to my mom, my old life, my house, MY EVERYTHING. 

But i was leaving it all for possibly something new and good

Skipping all that airport shit!!!

Once I left the airport I hailed a cab. While I was in the cab I bought a nice big mansion like house.(house up top) It was only two hundred thousand dollars, so pretty cheap in my cards. Plus its was surrounded by fields and gates with your combination so pretty safe. I got out of the cab and handed the cab driver 20 dollars and a five dollar tip since it was kinda a long drive. As I was walking towards the entrance I saw this adorable little girl on the path crying. Me loving children practically ran up to her to see what was wrong. I sat down next to her. 

"Hi sweetheart, whats wrong". I asked sweetly

She looked up at me with adorable brown eyes. 

"my mowma dow't want me nomo, she push me hew and say bye forever" I also have a bobo and it huwrt" she sobbed. Once she showed where she was hurt I picked her up, ran into the house and disinfected her cut and put a band aide on it. To make her feel better I gave her a lollipop. While she was happily eating her lollipop I thought about asking her some questions. 

"Sweety whats your name and how old are you" I asked super nicely. "my name Ava and I two years old, Ava big girl" I mentally awww at how cute she was then I was angry because what kind of mother would do this to her. A bad mom thats what. And not like the movie Bad Moms that movie is AWE-some.

"Ava would you like me to be your mommy" I asked afraid to here her answer. I was caught off guard when she jumped on me hugging and kissing me while screaming yes. 

I was so happy, already one day into my new life and I already had a baby girl and I new she was gonna be the best thing in my life. I was so caught up with Ava that I didn't notice the beauty of the house.  Me and Ava decided to take a tour of the house. Well that was 30 minutes of my life spent well. It was around two in the afternoon and we had no food so we were going to go shopping. We took a cab to the store because in two weeks ill be sixteen and have my drivers license and its my birthday even though i look older than my actually age. 

When we entered Walmart I sat Ava in the cart and set off. I bought some apple slices,cuties, watermelons, eggs, bacon, pancakes, some vegetables, etc, and chicken. All through the store Ava was giggling and laughing making workers and customers go awww. 

I literally cant believe how cute she is

"mommy can we get some chips" Ava asked giving me the puppy dog eyes I can't resisted. I was going to by them anyways since im sometimes too lazy to cook. But for a fact I can cook, lucky for Ava. 

"To the chips!!" I yell out making Ava laugh harder. In the end I bought a bag of candy, bags of chips yea you heard me bags as in more than one, ice cream, cookies, and whatever sweets Ava sweet talked me into buying.  

I was making my way to the register when I accidentally knocked a girl down.
"Oh my gosh i'm so so sorry about that," I said while picking up some of her food. sor- I was about to apologize again when I look up and saw someone I wasn't expecting to see. 

"Jessie is that really you," I definitely screamed. 

"OMFG Isabelle Grey, who would of thought" Jessie said equally loud. 

"mommy can I eat some of the chips" Ava still confused but she had one thing and one thing only on her mind. And that was food. "One moment Jessie." I quickly open a bag of chips and a sunny D for Ava. 

I turn back to Jessie who was staring at me open mouthed. 

Well theirs was too much to tell Jess so we hitched a ride back with the food, with her to my house. Which for your information was only 99 dollars comparing  to all the shit ava made me buy. But I'll always spend my money on anything to make ava happy. The car ride was spent with me making funny faces at ava. 

"Uh Isabelle are you sure you gave me the right directions" 

"Yeah why?" I stated still not looking up from ava. 

"Stop playing because this place freaking nice."

 "Yea yea whatever, just help me put all this food away." It was already 4:30 and I want to relax and sleep. 

I gave ava some cut up fruit and turned on the TV while jess and I put food away. After about ten minutes we were done. I turned around with a big sigh ready to tell jess everything. "Ok so I ------


Ok that was unexpected, but doesn't ava sound so cute. This is the longest chapter ive ever wrote in my whole watt-pad life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok get ready for the next chapter its gonna get better and better and better...... 

OH AND THE ANSWER TO THE RIDDLE IS..........................................

                                                A STAPLER


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