Chapter Seven » SMUT «

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Warnings: language, sexual tension, sexual intercourse, kinks, NoT suITAbLe fOr cHILdReN

OKAY THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1000 READS! I mean it so much! I remember being so excited just getting ten reads, and it really makes me so happy! This chapter will be smut, just to celebrate. Also, you should follow Spawn-Of-Trash and check out her stories, they're pretty good! She has that good Klance smut lolo

This chapter is dedicated to her. Surprise!!

Anyways, on with the chapter.

It was currently early in the morning, or before anyone was awake. Time wasn't relevant when you were light years ahead and in space. It seemed as if everyone were busy today. Pidge and Hunk were off to build their own cameras with spare parts and set them up in Keith and Lance's rooms. However, the latter were to be sent of to the planet Rubis to help with and infestation problem. Shiro, Coran, and Allura were to be commanding the castle and devising plans against ambushes.

Pidge and Hunk were in her room, using rusted metal parts and random screws to make the cameras. They wanted to have the devices made before Shiro and Allura woke up to do their eyeliner, they tried to work as efficiently as possible.

"Hunk, I need you to make some of those cookies for lenses. It's the best chance we've got," Pidge ordered, not even looking away from the invention she was tinkering. 

Hunk set down his makeshift screwdriver and nodded. "On it." He stood up and opened the door, exiting quickly and quietly. Sneaking into the kitchen without being heard, he began making the cookies, trying his best not to wake everyone in the castle up.

Once they were set in what looked like an oven, he hustled back to Pidge's room, bumping his toe on the door.


[A/N: He doesn't swear my pure baby]

He found a tiny, fair hand over his mouth, which belonged to a stern looking Pidge. She had her other hand over her mouth making the quiet signal. He ignored the pain of his toe and stumbled into the room.

"Come on, Hunk. You have to be quiet," the small teen said once the door was firmly shut. "Are the cookies baking?"

"Yeah, they should be ready in half an hour or so." His toe still throbbed as he moved to sit down next to Pidge and continue working on the cameras.

"Okay, so here's what I was thinking," Pidge grinned that trademark shit-eating grin she seemed to share with Lance, the ultimate Memelord. "Shiro, Allura, and Coran won't be hard to get by. They'll be busy piloting the ship and shit like that." Hunk frowned at the use of profanity, but Pidge ignored him. "Lance and Keith are on a bonding mission, and that'll be our time to strike! You can handle Lance's room, I'll handle the emo alien."

Hunk snorted, but felt guilty about it. "Don't you feel bad about putting cameras in their rooms?" He raised a questioning eyebrow.

Pidge looked giddy yet suspicious. "Well, it's not like I've done this before..." her voice dangerously soft. "In Allura's room..."

That last bit was merely a whisper, and due to the difference in height, Hunk couldn't quite catch it.

He sighed again. At least he had tried. "Sure, whatever you say, Peanut Butter."

~~~ le time skip ~~~

A few hours later, Keith sat on his bed, in his usual (gay) clothing. Shiro hadn't directly spoken to him after the "incident," and Pidge and Hunk were acting weird. He knew Hunk couldn't really hold in a secret, so he would have to be interrogated later.

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