Chapter Four

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Warnings: language, gay stuff, Spanish, Lance suffering

I'm sorry that I stopped uploading for days and came out with this mess of a chapter, if you could even call it that. I'm thinking about trashing this story, the characters don't seem similar to their actual personas. Maybe they do, I haven't watched VLD in a while. However, the smut is next chapter, so get ready to clench your butts.

Edited by:yaoiisloveyaoiislfye

[~~~ = begin/end flashback]

For a translation, you can click on the inline comments whenever there is an asterisk.

After tuning Shiro out, Keith quietly walked out of the dining room and down to Lance's room, because where else would he go? Trying something different for a change, he knocked softly on the door, but got no reply from who he presumed was Lance. Then he banged the door down with his shoulder, and ignoring the pain, crawled inside on his hands and knees.

Keith heard quiet sobbing, and soon saw the puffy-eyed male who he looked up at the sight of his door being knocked down onto the floor.

"What the fuck?" Lance shrieked, obviously surprised about Keith barging in.

Keith's face was unreadable, mixed with so many emotions. Overbearing guilt, worry, and a need to comfort Lance.

"Oh," Keith replied, finally taking the time to think about his actions. "Sorry 'bout that."

Reaching Lance on the floor, Keith didn't know what to do. So he gave him something that he had never given anyone ever before. A hug. It was the simplest of comforting gestures, but it meant so much, both to Lance and Keith. The sobbing sounds that rang around the room before could no longer be heard, only slight sniffles from Lance, who was enveloped in Keith's arms. After a minute of Keith not letting go, Lance had to forcibly push him off.

Keith glanced at him, wiping the small salty heads that had accumulated on the edges of his eyes. Tossing him a slight smile, he slouched down even further on the ground and rested his head on Lance's lap, closing his eyes and letting out a contempt sigh.

Maybe Keith isn't so bad after all... even with that mullet.

Lance saw Keith close his eyes and decided to take this opportunity to take a moment to think about what they were. Did this make them boyfriends? He chuckled out loud at the thought. He had always had a small thing for Keith, but it wasn't that strong. Or, at least he didn't want to think it was.

It didn't even seem like that much time had passed, but soon light snores could be heard emitting from Keith. Lance just looked down, not sure if this was even the right thing. Keith had lied to him. And just yesterday he was planning to get revenge on him. Yesterday felt like so far away.

Letting his fingers run through Keith's hair, he gently caressed him. He didn't want this to end. Still, he couldn't shake his worries, his fears.

Does he even like me back?

What if he's just pretending to be gay to spite me?

What if he didn't like our kiss?

Lance knew all of these things weren't true, but he was scared anyway. Sighing, he tried to get out of his head. He always did this, expected the worst, ever since he had come out to his family.


Mama was yelling to get all of the McClain children to the dinner table, and Papa was smoking a cigar and reading a newspaper, already in his seat.

"Venga, mamá!*" Lance shouted from the family bathroom, excited but anxious about what he was about to do. He was in a clean and crisp button-up shirt, an uneasy grin on his face, and the scent of Papa's Old Spice lingering around him.

His mother smiled and shouted back, "Date prisa y recoge a tus hermanos!*"

Their oldest daughter soon sat down at the table, and helped get her baby brothers into their highchairs. A few minutes later, everybody was seated at the table but Lance, who was giving himself a pep talk in the bathroom mirror. The younger children were already trying to reach across the table for their meals.

This time, his Papa called him, obviously not pleased. He paused and took his cigar out of his mouth, releasing a small puff of smoke that traveled around the dinner table. "Lance! Obtener acá, ahora!*"

Lance soon arrived at the table, the younger children already eating. "Lance," his mother questioned, "Why are you all dressed up? We aren't going anywhere." She reached across the table to help her children get the food in their mouths and not on the floor.

With the scent of his favorite food and cigar smoke, Lance almost went into overdrive. He tried to remember the dreams he had, where everyone accepted him and they all lived happily ever after. Clearing his throat, he almost whispered, "I'm bisexual."

Over the ruckus with five other children at the table, he was ignored. He took another deep breath, and cleared his throat again. "I am bisexual." He said it much louder this time, so he was at least heard by his Papa and Angel, his oldest sister. His heart was thumping in his chest and he began to get sweaty. No one had replied yet. He was about to say it again when Angel squeezed his hand from under the table and passed him a quick smile. He wasn't as fortunate with his Papa.

"Get the fuck out," Papa said, not even looking up from his newspaper. He took another puff from his cigar and gave me an ice cold stare.

"Cariño, no seas así...*" Mama pleaded, wanting to give support to her son. It was too late. Lance was already out of the room, tears streaming down his face, stuffing his belongings into a suitcase for the Garrison. He'd just have to find a friend to stay with until he was allowed on campus.


Still, with Keith on his lap, Lance wanted to work things out with him. He couldn't go through anything like that again.

I'm so sorry this is late! I've just been lazy, so here's a chapter that's over 1000 words! I hope to see you next time! And thank you so much for almost 150 reads! I'm so honored! I might push the smut back, I don't know.

Another thank you to @becca116260 for giving me motivation to write this!

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