Chapter 37

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I get out of bed, and make sure Christina is asleep before I walk out. I start towards the Pit, but stop in front of Tobias' door. I shake my head, and walk away.

I make my way to the chasm, overlooking the water. Back when Al jumped, I thought it was crazy, but now I see why he did it. He hurt the people he loved, and wanted a way out. I want the same thing.

But I am not Al.

I stay at the railing, the spray of the water clinging to my ankles. The sound of the river reminds me of the night Tobias took me through his fear landscape. He wanted me to know his name, who he truly was, but now he doesn't even want to talk to me.


At breakfast, I eat my muffin quietly. Lynn and I have notebooks out, sorting out the fights that start tomorrow.

"Shouldn't we figure out who is best at fighting today?" I ask her.

"We can change it tonight." Lynn suggests.

I nod and continue working, staring down at my paper.

I notice Tobias sit down next to Zeke, across the table.

"Hey." I say.

He doesn't respond, and he just eats his bran muffin.

Really? He doesn't even give me a chance to explain and just stops talking to me? He said he wouldn't do this!

Lynn and I walk ahead to the training rooms, and we go into the separate doors. I get out the punching bags and dust them off, not having been used since last year.

Tobias eventually comes in, and we hang up the bags, silently.

"I started sorting out who fights who." I say to him. "Do you want to look at them?"

He stays silent.

"You're going to have to talk to me sooner or later." I mumble, as the initiates file in.

The day consists of practice, and most of them have a few bruises. Tobias only talks to the initiates. At the end of the day, he starts cleaning up, as the initiates start leaving. I walk over to the table to fix my paper, but I won't have to do much.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Jeremy. His face was badly bruised, not from today, but yesterday when I punched him.

"Tris, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing." He says.

I don't believe him. He knew exactly what he was doing and what he is doing. He was Erudite, he can't be that stupid.

"I think you did know what you were doing." I step closer. "You knew exactly what would happen, that's why you did it!"

I punch him, using his bruises as targets.

"You, you made him hate me! He won't even talk, let alone let me explain! You think I can forgive you?" I say.

He looks frightened, and glances at Tobias. I forgot he was here.

I walk out, and I don't look back.


That night, I can't sleep. All I want is to be in Tobias' arms, but I can't be. I look down at my wrist. He told me we'd never break up, but was that true? It seemed like we broke up last night. I trace the Roman numbers, as I finally drift off to sleep, with his eyes the last thing I think of.

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