Chapter 15

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Caution! FourTris moments ahead!

I walk down the hall with Tobias, my small hand in his big one. When we get to his apartment, he closes the door behind us, and picks me up, one hand under my knees, the other supporting my back.

"You really need to stop doing that." I say, as he drops me on the bed.

His face drains of amusement, and becomes hard and serious.

"You really need to stop doubting my feelings for you." He says, sternly.

What? Did he hear my conversation with Tori? How? Then it comes to mind.

The control room.

He sits down next to me, taking my hand.

"I really do love you, Tris." He says, quietly.

I'm speechless. I really am surprised at his words. I don't know what to do, and find myself blushing.

He takes my cheek in his hand, and brushes his lips with mine. I feel my body tense, out of instinct. I press my lips to his, trying to tell him I love him too, without the words.

He pulls back, and looks at me, and I can't help but get lost in the blue of his eyes.

"Why do you do doubt?" He asks, running his long, nibble fingers through my hair.

"Because," I state. "I'm short, and younger, and I'm flat chested, and I'm not prett-"

"Who cares?" He asks. "I surely don't. I love you for you."

I smile, slightly, and lay my head on his chest. My head rises and falls with his breathing, which is slow and steady. How is he so calm, even when I'm not?

"Why do you like me?" I blurt out, regretting I asked.

"Hm." He says, tapping his chin. "Well, I like you because you're short, younger, flat chested and 'not pretty.'"

"But," He adds. "I love you, because you are strong, selfless, brave and beautiful."

He lifts my head, and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, too." I say to him, and he smiles, his lips still on my forehead.

I lift my face to his, and kiss him, for a long time.


I wake up, in Tobias' arms. I stay there, not wanting to wake him, and close my eyes, knowing I won't go back to sleep. He stirs, and lightly gets out of the bed, and a few seconds later, I hear the shower water running.

I sigh. So much for that.

Without his presence, I feel cold, and get up. I pull on my sweatshirt, which I'd taken off before bed. I write a note saying I'm back at my own apartment, before leaving.

I walk down the hall to my own apartment, and inside I see Lynn, Marlene and Christina, all standing in a line, obviously waiting for me.

"Hi, um, can I help you?" I ask, trying to go past them, but Lynn and Marlene take my arms, leading me to the couch.

They sit on either side of me, and Christina sits in the chair across from me.

"We need to talk about you and Four." She says.

"Um, what about us?" I ask, nervous.

"You seem to spend a lot of time with him, and I've realized you haven't been here the past few nights. Care to explain?" Christina asks.

"What? I've been over at Four's, but what does that have to do with anything? Will comes over here." I say, defensively.

I have no idea why she would have a problem with me away at night, she probably likes to have the apartment to herself and Will.

"Yes, but you guys are alone, and he's older, and-" She starts.

" think... no no no... that's not what happens." I stutter, surprised she would even think that.

She narrows her eyes.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it, but you're sleeping here tonight." She says, getting up.

We all go to breakfast, where Christina makes me sit in between her and Lynn. I roll my eyes, biting into my muffin.

Tobias looks at me, and I give him the I-will-tell-you-later look.

If you have any suggestions as to what to put, I would greatly appreciate it. Please, if you do, inbox me. I give credit!

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