Chapter 31

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"Happy Birthday!" Everyone says.

I blush, as I blow out the candles.

"Present time!" Christina calls, as we go to the couch in my apartment.

It was decorated with streamers and balloons, and there was a pile of presents on the coffee table in front of the couch. A sight I'd never seen before. At least for me, anyway.

Mainly, the gifts were clothes from the girls, a few weapons from Uriah and Zeke, a book from Will of the faction manifestos, and Lynn got me a pair of shoes.

"Okay, my turn." Tobias says, stepping over to me.

He hands me a narrow box, tied up with a bow. I carefully pull it off, and open the box. Inside, a silver knife sits in maroon padding. On the handle is my name, carved in a fancy font.

"I thought you'd want something fancy to throw at my head when you get mad at me." Tobias says.

"Why would I get mad at you?" I ask.

"Have you seen me drunk?" He laughs.

"Yes, actually."

He freezes. "What?"

Will and Christina start cracking up. I laugh, and open my mouth to explain, but Will cuts me off.

"What he said to her was hilarious, and I was the only other one who heard it." Will tells the group.

"What did he say?" Christina butts in. "And why didn't you tell me?"

Tobias puts his hand to his forehead. "For God's sake, someone tell me what I said!"

"You said, and I quote, 'You look good, Tris.'" I say.

He sighs. "And when was this?"

"First day of stage two. Before dinner." I say, too quickly.

"Well, someone remembered details." Zeke says.

Tobias rolls his eyes, and takes my hand.

"Lets play a game!" Uriah suggests.

"What game?" Marlene asks.

Uri thinks for a minute. "How about bed, wed or dead?"

A/N: Credit to @keke1075 for the idea. Thanks!

"What's that?" Will asks.

"Someone tells you three names, then you pick who you would want to marry, sleep with, and kill." Marlene explains, as we position in a circle.

"I'll go first, since I threw this awesome party!" Chris exclaims.

I roll my eyes.

"Four, bed, wed or dead, Lynn, Mar, and Tris." Chris says.

I already don't like this game.

He doesn't hesitate, though. "Marry Mar, Sleep with Tris and kill Lynn."

Lynn gives him a look. "The feeling's mutual!"


After several rounds, I'm the only one who hasn't gone.

Uriah gives me a wicked look. Great. "Tris, the birthday girl, bed, wed, or dead... Um, Me, Zeke and Four."

"Marry Uriah," That earns him a death glare from Tobias. "Sleep with Four, and kill Zeke."

Zeke sticks his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes. "Lets play something else."

"Spin the bottle!" Lynn says, grabbing an empty beer bottle.

I sigh, ever so slightly, but Tobias hears it. "What, don't want to play?"

"I'll play, but I have a feeling this won't end very well."

I looked around the room. My only guy options were Zeke, Uriah, Will and Tobias. Girl options, Christina, Lynn, Marlene, and Shauna.

I spin the bottle first, landing on Uriah.

I sigh, then see Tobias' look of anger. I go over to Uriah, and kiss him. When I pull away, I go to sit back down, then turn around.

"On second thought, maybe I'll sit over there." I say, teasing Tobias.

He doesn't like it though, and grabs my wrist, yanking me down. I let out a squeal, and blush, as I position myself in his lap. He takes my cheek, and kisses me. I smile, and stifle a sigh. He pulls away, but keeps his forehead in mine. Those few inches between us are infuriating, and I press my lips to his. He is taken aback, but kisses me, and thumbs around with the silver chain around my neck.

I hear an exaggerated clear of someone's throat. I sigh, pulling back.

"I think it's clear the birthday girl much rather do other things than play spin the bottle." Shauna says. "Let's call it a night."

Christina says she will clean up tomorrow, and the group leaves. Tobias is the only one still there, as Christina yawns.

He grabs my wrist. "I'm stealing her, night Chris."

She sighs, rolling her eyes. He leads me down the hall to his apartment.

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