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Jacks engine began to smoke followed by a loud pop. It slowly made its way to a halt in the middle of the road.
"Damn, I think it blew a gasket." Luke said hopping out.
"Want me to put everyone in the supply?" Jack asked as Luke took off his shirt to pop the scorching hood.
"Might have to if me dont got the supplies. Very unlikely our new friend is carrying all the parts." He grunted the last part pulling up the hood.
"Im going to let them get fresh air." Jack went over to the back.
"Whats the matter?" Tim asked staring through him with thise dark ringed eyes.
"Truck complications." He pulled it up. "Everyone out. Stretch your legs."
"So whats going to happen if we cant fix it?" Rob chimed in.
"Were putting everyone in the freezer or walk into town to fortify a store." Jack crounched down. "Maybe the city isn't far away. Or a little town."
Hailey snatched the map away from Rob. She ran her finger along Opal. "Hmmmm......there might be an autoparts store nearby. We are a few minutes past Oasis HQ I assume."
"We just passed that place not long ago." Tim said scratching his head. "I need a shower."
"Who doesn't." Hailey laughed. "But we need to set out now."
"Good luck dragging an engine back here." Luke came around the truck.
"There's also a truck rental near by. Maybe there's still a chance we can get there by car." Hailey added.
"Were burnin day light planning like this." Jack walked to the cab to get his machete. "Grab your gear guys. This is a team effort."

Author: Sorry for the short update. I have things to do today.

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