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"Ten hut!" Abigale said in her rough slowllen voiceb. The soldiers grabbed hold of Jordan and William. Neatly rowed against the wall.
What the hell? Its like an Agni Kai from Avatar the last airbender. Did she think I wanted a hand to fight? This isn't good.
"Since you are smaller those things on your fists are all you can use. Only makes it fair." Abigale said linked to her mind. "Best bet would be to lose your armor."
Hailey looked at the bastards lined neatly against the right wall. She gripped her leather jacket and tossed it aside with her shirt. "Lets do this" Stance wide and hands up.
Abigale smiled. Half her face rotted from disease turned it into a long ugly stretch of meat. "Fight." And walks over to sized her up.

"How you think Hailey is with those little boogers?" Jackson said to George.
"They are doing good. Have no idea in hell why William went with her though." George replied flashing his light into the dead showers.
Luke went up ahead to find anyone hiding. He hasn't came back in five minutes. Feels like forever. Maybe he got losted in this facility.
"What are we looking for again?" Jackson said looking at a partially decayed corpse with maggot eating it away.
"Guns and ammo. Keys for rooms and the cars outside. Whatever we can get ahold of. Wouldn't mind some new threads either."
"What's that up ahead?" Jackson said quietly.
A tall dark figure stands at the end of the room into the halls. It appears to be breathing. No way it could be a manikin like the one at the other end.
George wanted to call out to it but the words choked him. Maybe it is the hallway patrol. Maybe it was anther manikin and the armory is playing with them. No it is defiantly alive.
"Who are you?" The figure called out. It sounded like a child. Couldn't be one the hallway monitors.
"Stand still or I will open fire." Jackson said bluffing.
"You contain no such weapon. Now who are you people?" The female voice called his bluff.
"I am George and this is Jackson. Who are you?" George stopped him before he said anything else.
"That is of no importance. Your friends are in grave danger. You should have never came here." The girl stooped for a moment. "You will turn out like the last visitors but they never made it through the doors intentionally."
"Where is Luke?" Jackson said walking closer.
"That's close enough. Go any further and you will die." She laughed.
Jackson stopped dead in his tracks. "Where the hell is Luke?!"
"Shut up or you will wake them. Here's a clue. Take in the scenery and when you move on be cautious to the flame spitting sparks." Then the figure disappeared.
Take in the scenery? What can that possibly mean? Be cautious of the flames spitting sparks? Why a riddle damnit?
"G...George Im stuck." Jackson stuttered.
"What do you mean?" George said freaked out.
"Look at what I stepped on?" It is trip wire. He has stepped right on it.
"Stand still. I can disarm it." George said choking again. He bent down and pulled out a knife. He slowly trailed the cord up to the sealing. There a human body hangs from the sealing above a bouncing betty.
"Please. I don't want to die. Not today." Jackson began to fall apart.
"Shut up and I can concentrate. Do you have any ducktape?"
"Ducktape? Yea, I have a role for Jeremy's experiments." Jackson sniveled.
"When I tell you to ease up on the cord you do it. If that body drops were all dead."

Hailey is bruised pretty bad. Abigale is very strong and clever. Just because she is not feral doesn't mean she isn't dangerous. Her mind isn't all there anymore.
"Do you surrender little girl?" Abigale laughed in her rough voice.
"Not until my body is unable to move you sack of shit." Hailey stood up and spit blood out.
"Got moxie kid. To bad Im'a tear it outta ya." She advanced.
Hailey ignored her pain and started moving table around trying to get footing. It didn't help because her opponent walked causally to her.
"What are you doing? Stalling so you don't have to die?" Abigale taunted.
"Shut your trap and find out." Hailey grinned. As she moved one last table. A perfect arena.
"How descent of you not to stain our tables." She laughed. We are gonna gut you all!" She lunged forward.
Hailey swiftly moved out of the way cut her side open. That increased the fury and tension. Abigale isn't going to let up on her now.
"The beat offense is a great defence. Find her weak spot. She isn't human anymore so she will show signs of straint. Concentrate." She flashed back to Gibber.
Hailey ran ro the opposite side to get a better look. The only light is the flashlight on the counter which made it hard to see.
"How am I supposed to find her weak spot?" Hailey said under her breath.
"Close your eyes. They lie to you. Visualize your opponent. Focus on nothing but her body."
She did as she was told. Colorful lines began to appear on Abigales' body. It shows what it damaged severely in red and green for healthy. Yellow for in between. Purple for her vein's and arteries.
Where is she most damaged. There. In her right thy.
It has a big gash and is pouring blood. Somehow she hit an artery.
"Now open it wider." Gibber said forcefully.
Hailey sprung into action like a robot. Abigale threw punches trying to fight her back. It did no good. Her reflexes are to fast. Abigale finally got a straight punch but ended up having her arm cut to the bone. With that Hailey drove her blade into the leg and sliced it all the way back.
Abigald let out a loud screech of pain. She fell over holding her. Her wounds finally taking effect on her ruined body.
"It's over Abigale." And Hailey stomped her head in with one blow.

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