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Lincoln and Lauren started down towards the center of town. It is suppoesed to be a confined park where no infected are at. Someone started playing a guitar down below. The melody is sweet and calm. The strum of the strings vibrate the air a little like a bass. It hushed the birds. Not even one in site.
Lincoln took a bite of dry cereal out of his bag. "Sweet tunes. Reminds me of going to the county fair."
"Who knows maybe they celebrate around here. It's a beautiful village considering everywhere else." Lauren took a hunch out of an old granola bar.
"You just like the details in all the wood. A severe fire hazard if you ask me."
Lauren gave him the "bitch" face. "Your not easily impressed are you?"
"It wouldn't surprise me if grownups learned to speak again. Or turn vegan." He chuckled.
They came to where the music was playing. A long brown haired guy with an old bass guitar is sitting on a bench jamming.
"Sweet tunes man." Lincoln said taking another handful.
"Gracias. ¿quién eres tú?" (Who are you?) The guy said and stopped playing.
Lincoln cleared his throat. "Um. He said thinking. "Lincoln. ¿tú?" (You?)
"Ahhh. Lincoln." He said surprised. Mi nombre es Mateo. (My name is Matthew.) Mi inglés is no good. Right?"
"Si. Mi amigo es Lauren." (Yes. My friend is Lauren.) Lincoln said confidently.
"You new arrivals?" Mateo asked stuttering.
"Yea. Came last night." Lauren finally included herself.
Mateo gave her a confused face. "What. My inglés es no good." He laughed. "¿Qué dijo ella?" (What did she say?) He looked to Lincoln.
"Vino anoche. Right?" Lincoln said trying to remeber his conversations with his dad.
"Ohh, came in last night. Sorry, es hard to understand things." Mateo said shaking his head. "You like my music?"
Lincoln nodded. "Bueno." (Good.)
Mateo raised one finger and put his pick up to the strings. He inhailed and let it go. "Good riddance. Mi favorite." And then he began to play.
Lauren looked over at Link who is shoveling more cereal in his mouth. "How do you understand him? I cant understand one bit."
Lincoln held up a finger and tried to swallow whole. "My dad is Argentinian. It was hard to understand him sometimes. To many verbs to remeber. Maybe I can learn more with Mateo."
Lauren looked at Mateo playing away. "Maybe. We got a mission first. Who knows, maybe DC will have another Spanish kid there."
"Maybe." Lincoln said taking another handful. "Deberíamos irnos un placer conocerte." (We should get going. Nice meeting you.)
"Awwhhh. ¿Por qué tan pronto?" Mateo said letting the bass die slowly.
"Nuestro líder puede estar buscando por nosotros." Lincoln said waving bye. "Hes pretty cool. Its rare to meet a musician."
"I bet. Is that Tim down there?" Lauren leaned over the railing. "What the hell is he up to this early?"
"Wanna go follow him?" Lincoln asked and she nodded. "Then lets go."

Author: Sorry if I translated the Spanish text wrong. I used translator and using it to learn myself.

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