Delilah I can promise you

That by the time we get through

The world will never ever be the same

And you're to blame

Hey there Delilah

You be good and don't you miss me

Two more years and you'll be done with school

And I'll be making history like I do

You'll know it's all because of you

We can do whatever we want to

Hey there Delilah here's to you

This one's for you

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

What you do to me.

We, well more Louis, finished up singing. He pulled me in, closer and tighter. I felt infinitely safe in his arms.

"I'd do anything to be next to you," he whispered.

"Ditto," I replied with a laugh.

And with that, the night had ended and we both fell asleep.


I felt warm kisses being placed were my jaw and neck connected. My eyes fluttered open and the sunbeams into my eyes. The little kisses continued up my jaw line till it meet my mouth were I was passionately kissed.

I placed my hands at the sides of his face. "Good morning to you too," I said.

He laughed and continued to kiss me.

"Can you wake me up every morning like this?" I asked between kisses.

"Sure thing love," he replied.

And with that I got up from the bed and headed to the kitchen. That might be a little cold for just leaving him but karma will come and bite me, so yeah.

This time it was easier finding what I wanted. I wanted cereal so, I need that a bowl, a spoon and milk. Easy.

When I was down preparing my cereal I sat down. Right then Louis walked in the room. He was just wearing his boxers, which still made me blush.

"Awe, you're so cute when you blush you know that?" Louis asked sitting next to me," by the way, thanks for making me something."

I just laughed. Oops.

After we finished eating, we got ready for the day. Louis suggested that we go to the music festival. I had never been there so I thought that would be fun.

Louis changed at his house then he drove me over to mine were I changed into my clothing.

I decided to wear my black skinny jeans and lavender colored flannel. I also pulled my hair up in to a messy bun. Then it was time to leave.

We arrived at the festival and parked. I stepped out of the car and smelled the fresh air. As I started walking, Louis placed his hand in mine.

"I want people to know you're mine, I mean wear those jeans, who knows how many guys will walk up to you," he whispered into my ear.

That's true, it's probably a better that Louis holds my hand.

We entered area were the festival was taking place. Music booming from every direction. Since I had never been here before I let Louis guide me.

The place wasn't too terribly crowded. That's good for me because one thing about me is I get panic attacks in big crowds. They don't happen often but when they do, they hit me like a freight train.

We started approaching a stage and in stage I could see it was a band that I was a big fan of. 5 seconds of summer were performing and I got to see them!

I started to kind of "fan-girl" and I pulled Louis over that direction so we could listen to their music. When we arrived they just barely started playing 'Beside you'.

As I was listening to their music I started swaying my hips a bit. Which of course attracted this wild beast whom I call my boyfriend.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his head on my shoulders. Periodically he would turn his head and kiss my cheek.

5 Seconds of Summer finished up so Louis and I walked away. We walked over to food stands were a bunch of tables were.

"Babe stay here, I need to go talk to someone," Louis said.

I gave him a conformation nod and he was off. I didn't bother to look were he was going I just kept looking straight.

A few moments later a felt two bodies next to me. I looked from side to side, I didn't know either of these guys. One of them started to make a move in me.

"Hey, perfect," the brown haired one said while grazing his lips over mine.

"I have a boyfriend!" I yelled pushing him off of me. The one on the other side of me know grabbed my waisted.

"Feisty aren't we? And my I ask, were is this 'Boyfriend' you're talking about?" the blonde one said.

I started to get panicked. I started to swing my body viscously back and forth trying to break free. That just made the two men laugh.

"So were is he?" The blonde one asked again.

I didn't reply.

One of them threw me to the ground.

"You little piece of..." one of them was interrupted.

"I'm right here," Louis growled. He immediately was by my side helping up. But then he walked over to the two men.

"You ever harass or touch my girlfriend again, I'll, well I don't think you would want to know what I would do to you two," Louis spat.

And with that they two guys took off running. Louis was still facing them. I run up behind him a firmly hugged him.

"Thank you," I said ," promise you won't ever leave me again?"

"I promise," was he said.

The rest of the pretty much panned out like this:

Louis and I stayed at the musical festive till they were shutting down. We ate food and listen to various artist. The whole time Louis stayed right by my side.

Even when I had to go to the bathroom, Louis was right there. He waited outside the main buildings door. And as soon as I walked out he grabbed my hand.

Some how Louis convinced me to stay another night or so with him. He drove me to my place and I packed a few things then we headed back to Louis house.


Well I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please don't forget to like and comment! Thanks x! Also, I've said this before but I don't swear in my writing, but if you ever want to substitute words that's alright. :)

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