Chapter 2

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"Shit sweetie are you okay what happened?" Her voice rings out. I stand there frozen. Fuck, I shouldn't have done this.

I quickly turn to run and leave but she doesn't let me, making me yelp in pain as she unknowingly grasps the many open wounds on my arm. She quickly pulls back, afraid of what she did. "What happened?" She asks, concern lacing her voice.

"I-I my d-dad h-he ch-chasing-" I try to stumble out but my anxiety rises and I go into panic attack mode. My breathing rapidly picks up and my head is clouded. I fall down onto the concrete porch as tears roll down my face. I feel a warm pair of arms pull me up and walk me somewhere and sit me down.

"Sweetheart, it's okay just breathe. I need you to breathe with me okay? Follow my breathing." The woman's soothing voice says to me and I nod, trying my best to copy her breathing. Finally I calm down and she speaks. "I'm Demi. What's your name?" She asks me.

"Janie. B-But call me Jane." I stumble out, and she nods.

"Okay Jane, what's wrong?" She asks and I sigh.

"I-I can't. Just p-please, d-don't let him find me." I beg and Demi looks confused.

"Who babygirl?" She says and I shake my head.

"My father." I say extremely quietly and Demi's face goes pale.

"W-What happened? What did he do?" She asks, now becoming nervous herself for some reason. I shake my head, tears rolling down my face again. Demi pulls me into a warm hug and for some reason I feel calm when she does. I don't flinch away, instead I relax. Her embrace takes all my anxiety away.

She pulls away. "I know we just met, but if you need to stay here, you are more than welcome Jane." Demi says and I nod muttering a small thank you. For some reason I don't feel nervous staying in a strangers house. Demi seems safe.

She turns to face the TV. "Lets watch some TV until you feel comfortable talking hm?" She says and I nod. She turns the TV on to the ID channel. As we watch TV I take the time to examine the room. She has a very nice house, it has a sleek modern style to it, but it still feels homey. Her walls are empty, but sitting on shelves and counters are framed pictures of her and what I'm assuming is her family and friends. The couch is a clean white, and it feels somewhat new, like it's not really used much. She clearly has a decent amount of money. I turn and look at her. Her eyes are glued to the show playing on the tv. She has short and choppy dark brown hair that rests on the back of her neck. Freckles scatter across her cheeks and nose, and her long eyelashes are coated thinly with mascara.

My eyes land on her tattoos. They're on her wrists, one says Stay and the other says Strong. Stay Strong? I examine her wrists more and what I see almost scares me. Scars. She has scars on her wrist, all horizontal except for two vertical ones. I accidentally gasp and she looks up at me. She follows my gaze down to her wrist and her eyes go wide. She turns her arm over quickly and tries to regain herself.

"W-What's wrong?" She asks sounding nervous once again.

"Y-You... you.. you c-cut?" The words come out of my mouth before I can even try to stop them. I immediately slap my hand over my mouth. Demi gives me a small smile and bites her lip.

"Y-Yes... I did. But I got help, I'm okay now." She says, flashing me another grin. I just nod.

Demi's POV
I'm worried about this girl. Something doesn't seem right at all. She looks terrible, and she seems extremely tired. I follow her gaze, her eyes glued to my arm. Why is she so interested in my arm? It makes me feel weird, I hate it when people look at my scars, it makes me really self conscious.

"Jane?" I say and her head shoots up. Before I get the chance to say anything she stands up and runs down the hall. I jump up and follow her. I stand at the end of he hall watching her open a bunch of doors, trying to find the bathroom I guess. Before she can, I walk over and grab her arm. She lets out a scream and jumps away from me.

I slowly approach her shaking body and pick her up. She's so light, there's no way she isn't underweight. Her baggy and ripped hoodie is damp, it's purple with white strings, but the strings are so dirty they're brown. Her jeans however, seem surprisingly new. I better get her a fresh shirt at least. I look down at her as her breathing picks up again. I immediately set her back down on the couch, pulling her ear to my heart. But she isn't calming down. The only thing I can do now is what I used to do for my little sister Maddie when she had panic attacks.

"Baby, I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can bandage the damage
You never really can fix a heart
Ooh, ooh
Whoa, whoa
Ooh, ooh
Whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa
Oh, oh

By the time I finish the verse she is calm and looking up at me with wide eyes. I look back at her, confused. "Y-You sound so much like- oh my god you're Demi Lovato..." she says and my heart picks up. Oh no. I look at her with fearful eyes. "No! Don't worry, I'm not a crazed fan, I promise. Your house was just- the lights were on- can I explain?" She asks and I nod, placing her off my lap and on the seat next to me. Here we go.

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