Sohinki x Reader: The Stream

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You and Sohinki had been friends for a while now. You had started off talking on Twitter and Instagram, before exchanging phone numbers. You lived in Nevada, but were planning to move to California. You were flying out to look at apartments nearby where Sohinki lived, but didn't let him know that.

Currently, you were at the airport, waiting for your plane to California. You decided to pull out your phone and text Sohinki.

You: Yo

Sohinki: Hey! How's it going?

You: Good! So, are you doing anything fun

Sohinki: Nah, just staying at home. Maybe streaming. You?

You: I'll probably go out and do something, though I don't know what.

You weren't exactly telling the truth, but you were technically lying. You'd be going out, though it meant you'd be going a long way out.

Sohinki had told you his address once. You had been trying to plan to go to his house and surprise him, but you didn't know how to get a key.

Luckily, you'd also gotten Mari's number in the time you'd been talking to Sohinki. She was the only one who knew you were coming. She'd told you where he kept the spare key, and could get it to you if necessary.

Your plane was boarding, so you got ready to get on. You'd gotten a good seat, even though it wasn't first class. You went to check your ticket in, and got to the plane as quickly as you could.

You sat down, situated your stuff, and pulled out your laptop.

You had a window seat, which was good. You had the choice to look out or not.

"Psst!" You heard from next to you.

"You know Sohinki, right?" A teenage girl asked.

You smiled and nodded. He'd talked about you in his streams sometimes, and shown a picture of you.

"That's so cool!" The teenage girl exclaimed. "I love Smosh!"

"That's good. I was hoping you wouldn't say you hate them." You said with a chuckle.

"Are you and Sohinki dating?" The girl asked.

"No." You said, trying to hold back a blush.

"Are you ever gonna date? I ship you guys!" The teenage girl responded. "Also, did you hear he's gonna stream in a little bit? I bought the plane's wifi to watch!"

"I guess I'll have to buy the wifi too!" You said in reply.

"So how long have you known him?" The girl asked.

"I'd say almost a year, probably." You responded. "I didn't get the chance to go to Vidcon this year and see him, before you ask. Work stuff."

"That sucks." The girl said. "Are you going to California to meet him?"

"Technically, no. I'm planning on moving to California, as I'm looking at some apartments" You responded. "But I'm gonna try to see him, hopefully."

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