Cori: Babysitting

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"Agh!" Courtney exclaimed, chasing the child across the park.

She was back in her hometown for a week, and her mom'a friend asked her if she could babysit. She, of course, agreed. Otherwise, she wouldn't be chasing a child.

But, what her mom failed to mention was that the kid was 8 and very energetic. Even though she knew the kid from before, she didn't know he'd be like this.

She finally caught up to the kid, and kneeled down so she was closer to his height.

"You have to calm down so I know where you are." She explained to the child.

The child looked a little sad.

"Oh, no!" Courtney added. "I'm not mad at you! I just want to be able to watch you, that's all!"

The kid calmed down a little bit, and went over to the swings. Courtney sat down at a bench nearby, closely watching him.

She pulled out her phone, checking her texts quickly and looking over some work emails. She was halfway through an email about script editing when a girl walked up to her, dragging her mom behind her.

"Are you Courtney from Smosh?" The girl asked.

She nodded, glancing quickly over at the boy she's in charge of. "Yep, that's me!"

"Can she get a picture with you?" The mom asks.

Courtney nods. "Of course."

They snap a cute couple of pictures, and the girl runs off happily.

Courtney returns her attention to the boy, who was going down the slide.

"That girl seemed like a big fan." Courtney heard someone say from behind her.

Courtney turned around to see Mari behind her.

"Mari?" Courtney said, her voice filled with disbelief.

"That's me." Mari said, jumping over the back of the bench Courtney was on to sit next to her.

"What are you doing here?" Courtney asked.

"I called your mom." Mari responded, grinning.

"I just can't believe you'd come here for me." Courtney exclaimed, blushing wildly.

"You better believe it, girl." Mari said with a grin. "I'm gonna help you babysit, and then I've got a surprise for you."

"You're too sweet." Courtney said, still blushing.

Mari blushed as well. "So which one is the kid you're babysitting?"

"He's in the shirt with the Minion on it." Courtney replied, pointing him out. "And before you start anything, it's not a horrible shirt and he didn't pick it out himself."

Mari chuckled. "Don't worry. What's his name?"

"Danny." Courtney responded. "He lives on the same street as my parents, just a couple doors down."

"He's a cute kid." Mari observed.

"Almost as cute as you." Courtney mumbled.

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