Shourtney: High School [AU]

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"Pencils down!" The teacher yelled.

Luckily, Courtney had finished her essay a couple minutes before, and was just reading through it.

Shayne had just barely finished.

"I'll be giving you guys free time for the rest of class." The teacher announce as the class was passing their papers up.

Courtney checked the clock. It was the last block of the day, luckily, and there was ten minutes left in the block.

Shayne sighed, putting his head on his desk.

"You okay, bud?" Courtney asked the boy next to her.

Shayne and her had never really talked, but they rode the same bus and had a few classes together. They sat near each other or next to each other in most of them. In this one, they were next to each other.

"Tired." Shayne said, pulling his head up a bit.

"Same here, dude." Courtney replied, nodding her head in agreement. "I had to babysit last night. You?"

"World History essay." Shayne responded simply, stretching his legs under his desk.

"That's no fun." Courtney replied.

Shayne nods. "And I've got Mr. Drale"

Courtney winced in sympathy. Mr. Drale was one of the toughest teachers.

"So are you thinking of coming to see the improv show tonight?" Courtney asked.

Shayne nodded. "Yeah. Isn't Ian in improv?"

Courtney nodded. "Yep. He's great. Are you friends with him?"

"Yeah." Shayne replied. "He's in my math class this year and we did a drama class together over the summer."

"That sounds fun!" Courtney exclaimed, smiling.

Shayne returned her smile with a grin of his own. "It really was."

"Which class was it?" Courtney asked.

"Hmm... it's the one at the community center." Shayne says, trying to remember. "It's taught by Mr. Wells."

"Ooh!" Courtney responds. "I heard really good things about that one."

"You should definitely try it." Shayne suggests. "I think you'll really like it."

The two continue to chat about improv, drama classes, and how much they hate writing essays, even though they were both good at them.

The bell rings, and everyone stands up.

Courtney hands Shayne a slip of paper, before running towards the auditorium.

He looked down at the paper.

'You best be at the improv show 2nite, Shay-shay. 7pm on the dot, boi' it read, along with a phone number.

Shayne chuckles, and walks out to catch his bus. Courtney wouldn't be on the bus today, since she was staying after school to prepare for the show.

Shayne grabbed a good seat on the bus before pulling out his phone. He put her number in as a contact in his phone, and started to form a message to her. He glances down at the note, and decided to do what Courtney did to him.

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