Marhinki: Bad Puns and Jokes

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Mari and Sohinki were on their way to a fancy Smosh Games event. The others had gone ahead already, so they were driving in their own. Both cars were vlogging, and Sohinki had a really annoying plan for his.

Mari held the camera as Sohinki drove on the highway.

She was talking to the camera when Sohinki cleared his throats to get her attention.

"What's up, Sohin?" She asks, turning the camera his way.

"Why do crabs never give to charity?" He asks.

Mari turns the camera back to her face, makes a really weird facial expression, and turns it back to Sohinki. "What?"

"Because they're too shellfish." Sohinki exclaims, laughing at his own joke.

Mari chuckles at the joke. "You are so stupid."

"What?" Sohinki asks. "Do you have a better one?"

"Maybe." Mari admitted.

"Then say it." Sohinki retorts.

"What's Beethoven favorite fruit? A ba-na-na-na!" She says in tune.

Sohinki chuckles. "How about this one? I've deleted the numbers of all the German people I know on my phone. Now it's Hans free!"

Mari laughs. "What do you call a group of killer whales that play music? An Orca-stra!"

"I've got one that never fails." Sohinki says. "What cheese can never be yours?"

"Nacho cheese!" They both exclaim at the same time, sending them into a fit of laughter.

Mari turns the camera towards herself, still laughing. "I'm really sorry to the people who watch this."

"What did the grape say when it got crushed?" Sohinki asked, looking at the camera for a split second. "Nothing, it just let out a little whine."

"What's the definition of a will?" Mari asks, causing Sohinki to ponder for a second. "Oh, come on! It's a dead giveaway."

They continue to laugh.

Mari gets a text from the others. They were pulling off the highway at a gas station and to get some stuff to drink. They'd wait for them to get there, so they could head out together.

"I'm gonna say one more pun before we get there." Sohinki announces. "What do you call security guards at the Samsung store? Guardians of the Galaxy!"

"I feel like Courtney would like that joke." Mari remarks.

They pull up to the gas station. Sohinki would do the fill up for their car, and Lasercorn would fill up the other.

Mari headed in to get drinks for herself and Sohinki. Wes walked up next to her, vlogging like she still way.

"Hey, Wes." Mari said, turning the camera towards him and zooming in on his face.

"Hey, Mari." Wes replied, turning to face the drink section of the convenience store.

"Yo, Wes?" Mari whispered into the microphone of her camera.

"What is it?" Wes whispers into his microphone.

"You're a nerd." Mari whispered back, grabbing the drinks for her and Sohinki, running off after.

She payed for the drinks, as well as a couple secret snacks, and headed back out to the car, and snuck up behind Sohinki, who was finishing pumping gas.

"Boo!" She said in a raised voice, but not yelling.

Sohinki jumped a bit, before making an annoyed face at the camera. Mari laughed.

"You done?" She asks.

"Yep." Sohinki responds calmly. "Let's get this show on the road."

Mari climbed into car, and proceeded to take the goodies from in the store out.

Sohinki climbed in, looked to the food and drinks, and looked at her. She mounted the camera on the dashboard in a spot they had figured out to put it on.

"I got you a Coke and a Gatorade for myself." She explains. "I also got pretzels for us to share."

"Niiiice." Sohinki says. "I have a food pun for you, if you wanna hear it."

"You'll say it regardless." Mari says with a chuckle. "So, go ahead."

"I got the idea for this from Guy Fieri, so it's supposed to be a really bad joke." Sohinki explains, before proceeding with the joke. "So, what do you call a rude sandwich?"

"I don't know, what?" Mari replied, looking at the camera and making a face as if she was on 'The Office'.

"A meanie panini!" Sohinki exclaimed.

Mari groaned, but laughed. "That is such a bad joke."

"I'm the king of bad jokes." Sohinki announced.

Mari, once again, made a face to the camera. "Drink your Coke, stupidhead."

"Weirdo." Sohinki insulted in response.

"Stinker." Mari shot back.

"Pun-hater." Sohinki replied.

"I never said I hated puns." Mari explained. "I just said yours were bad."

"Editors, can we have some air horn sounds there?" She asked in the direction of the camera.

"Oh yeah, we have editors." Sohinki said in sudden realization.

"You're such a doofus." Mari says in response, kissing his cheek.

"But it means we can do stuff like that." Sohinki remarks.

Mari chuckles. "Only if you promise to stop making puns on the rest of the car ride."

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