Nolivia: The Ice Cream Date (AU)

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[Sequel to Wrong Number]
The hour had passed since Noah had asked Olivia out for ice cream. Olivia was waiting for Noah to show up, playing a game on her phone while she sat on a bench.

"Ready?" She heard.

She looked up to see Noah, and sprung up when she saw it was him.

"I'm so ready!" Olivia exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear and waving her hands in the air.

"Great!" Noah said bashfully. "My car's just around that building over there."

He pointed to a building nearby.

Olivia positioned her arm so Noah could link his with hers.

He accepted her offer of linking arms, and they headed in the direction of the building.

"So, what are the good ice cream shops around here?" Olivia asks.

"Well, there's a really cool place called 'Larry's Dairy Extraordinary', if you want to go there." Noah suggests. "It's a local ice cream shop."

"Let's go there!" Olivia exclaims.

Noah smiles at Olivia's enthusiasm. He was nervous to meet her originally, but she was such a sweet and fun person that he realized he didn't need to be nervous.

They reach his car and climb in.

"Wanna play music?" Noah asks. "You can have control over the aux cord."

Olivia smiles. "Awesome!"

Olivia turns on music as Noah starts to drive.

"So, Noah, what's your major?" Olivia asks after turning on some music from Spotify. "I gotta start with the classic chat-up line."

Noah chuckled. "I'm studying film production. I'm trying to learn all the aspects of it."

"That's super cool!" Olivia exclaims. "I'm studying mass communications back at my college, which is another film major."

"That's really cool!" Noah exclaims.

"Thanks!" Olivia replied with a grin. "Not a whole lot of people think so."

"Why?" Noah asks. "That seems like such a cool major!"

"They don't think it's practical enough." Olivia explains. "People are saying I should've done a math-based major."

"Well, I think your major is pretty awesome." Noah remarks. "Maybe we could work together someday."

"That'd be totally cool!" Olivia exclaims.

They happened to time their conversation perfectly, as they had arrived at the ice cream shop.

Noah quickly got out of the car to go open Olivia's door. He wanted to be a gentleman to her, after all.

He held the door open as she got out. She gave him a smile. Noah put his arm in a position to link with Olivia's.

Olivia happily links her arm with his, and they head into the ice cream shop.

The owner, Larry, smiles as they approach the counter.

"What'll it be, Noah and girl with Noah?" He asks.

Noah had become friends with Larry since he came to the shop so often. If college didn't take up so much of his time and the sports store didn't take up the rest, he'd have a job at the ice cream shop too.

"Larry, this is Olivia." Noah says.

"Why hello Olivia!" Larry exclaims. "So are you two a couple?"

Both of their faces turn bright red.

Larry smirks. "So anyways, what do you guys want?"

"I'll have a cup of cookie dough ice cream, please." Noah responds.

"And I'll have a cup of brownie batter ice cream." Olivia requests.

Larry quickly prepares their ice cream choices. Noah pays for the ice cream, and the two go to a sitting area. There was only one other group in the sitting area, a group of teenagers.

Noah and Olivia sit in the corner of the room, eating some of their ice cream before talking. They both really wanted at least a few bites before they talked about anything, since he ice cream was so good.

They chatted about all sorts of things. They talked about their families, favorite foods, sings that they like, stuff about theater, and much more. They ended up hitting it off more than they thought.

Before they left, Noah and Olivia both got sodas, with Noah paying for them, of course.

They got into Noah's car. Noah turned to her before he drove from his spot.

"I had a really great time." Noah states, smiling warmly.

"I did too." Olivia replies, grinning bashfully. "I'm glad I ended up getting the wrong number."

Before either knew it, they were leaning in. They briefly kissed, and when they pulled away, their faces were both a dark red blush. Noah pulled out of his parking spot and started to drive back to the college.

"How much longer are you in the area?" Noah asks.

"A few more days." Olivia replied.

"Then how about we go out to dinner together, tomorrow night?" Noah suggests, winking.

"Definitely." Olivia accepts.

They chatted for a bit more, until they finally got back.

Olivia hugged Noah before she went back to Courtney's dorm room.

"How'd it go?" Mari asked as she walked in.

"Awesome!" Olivia exclaims. "We're going out for dinner tomorrow night."

"So your plan worked, Courtney?" Boze asked Courtney.

"What plan?" Olivia questioned.

"Well, I gave you the wrong number on purpose because you and Noah seemed like you would be so cute together." Courtney explains.

Olivia looked to Boze and Mari. They both nodded to confirm that it was true.

"Well, I guess I have to thank you." Olivia says. "Now, who wants to order pizza and talk about girl stuff?"

All the girls chuckled and raised their hands.

Man, what a day that was.

[this chapter was requested by @puddingxkenma! Go check out her stories!]
(Also, if some of you read Mortals Meet Demigods, another one of my books, you'll notice a reference to that in here)

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