Wesoah: Winter Games

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It didn't take Noah long to realize he was falling for Wes.

Wes was almost like the total opposite of him. Wes was tall, Noah was short. Wes could live without glasses, Noah couldn't. Wes was buff, Noah was scrawny.

Somehow, this made Wes even more attractive to him.

Winter Games had definitely helped him confirm his affections. Wes was flirtatious, to say the least. From the hug in Seriously Super Stupid Sleepover episode to the craziness of the Put It In My Mouth ice cream special, it wasn't hard to notice that.

It was just Noah's luck that he was stuck with him for the night.

The whole group was playing Quiplash, off camera, and the bottom person from each game was stuck sleeping upstairs with the other one, with only one blanket they could use together.

Even off camera, the Smosh crew was all for punishments.

Of course, Noah sucked today at Quiplash. He would've been fine if any other person had been the other loser. But no, fate decided to have Wes lose as well.

The others were all downstairs, leaving Wes and Noah alone.

"The worst part of this is that I came up with this idea." He heard Wes say. "I thought I'd do good. Boy, was I wrong."

Noah chuckled. "If it makes you feel any better, I got a lower final score than you."

"Not much lower, though." Wes contradicted.

"At least you didn't mispell 'lemon'." Noah retorted.

"At least you didn't our 'Bee Movie'." Wes said. "How was I supposed to know it was a 'dead meme'? Who determines that?"

Noah laughs. "Not sure. Do you want some hot chocolate?"

"That'd be awesome, actually." Wes replies.

"I'll be right back." Noah said, walking towards the kitchen.

How was he going to survive tonight? Just then was difficult.

He reached into a cabinet, which housed a thermos for each of them. Wes had a triforce on his. Noah's had a cow on it. Noah set them on the counter, to be filled once he was done.

Noah went to work making the hot chocolate.

He looked into the other room, and watched as Wes found a clump of silly string. It had been from filming earlier, of course. Noah chuckled, finished making the hot chocolate, and brought it in.

"Smells awesome." Wes notes. "Do you want to go out on the balcony?"

"Why not?" Noah replies. "It's not supposed to be super cold tonight anyway."

They walk out, and sit on chairs by the railing.

"So, how have you been?" Noah asks.

"Better." Wes replies.

Wes and his girlfriend had broken up a couple weeks ago, but were remaining friends. They were just both too busy for the relationship to be stable enough to work. They were still super close, though, but not in the same way as before.

"That's good." Noah says.

The two drink the hot chocolate, and Wes keeps talking about how good it is.

Noah, in this time, is close in color to a tomato.

"So what do you think the others are doing right now?" Wes asks.

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