Chapter 47: Hayato vs. Seris

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The distraction didn't last long, however, as Hayato deflected the second ring with ease.
In fact, it seemed as if Hayato had an easier time with deflecting the rings now. The longer the attacks continued the quicker he got at blocking them. It wasn't long before he was doing so with one hand.

He turned to look at Seris as he brought his own free hand up and brought down a blast of lightning onto Seris, stunning him and bringing him to his knees momentarily.

After the strike he quickly took both of his free hands and grabbed hold of Seris's rings, stopping them from flying around and striking him. His muscles tensed up as he fought against the power of them trying to move, but he held strong. He could feel them trying to spin in his hand, desperately trying to break free.

With a quick couple of spins of his body he released them and sent them flying into a nearby wall, embedding them halfway into the stone structure.

He then turned his attention back to Hayato and with his body turning a slightly lighter shade of yellow he rushed forward, almost faster than Seris could see and started to attack.
Before Seris could even react he felt too many punches to count against different parts of his body. He only knew the first one hit him in the side. He could feel electricity flowing from Hayato, but it wasn't flowing into him.

20, 30, 40, 50 punches in less than 10 seconds, he could barely feel his own body anymore aside from the excruciating pain.

60, 70, 80, 90, 100, totaled in the next 5 seconds.

Blood started to flow down from the side of Seris's mouth.

In a last feeble attempt to break free Seris unleashed a surge of lightning from his body and for a split second he could see the movement of Hayato's attacks.

The blast did little to slow Hayato, it only surprised him momentarily, but not enough for him to stop, but it gave Seris an idea.

Suddenly, Hayato's punch missed where he aimed at, albeit slightly. The next punch was off completely. Hayato realized it wasn't him missing, it was Seris dodging.

The surprise threw him off enough to allow Seris to jump back faster than Hayato had seen him move before.

The speed threw Seris off balance and he had to catch himself against a nearby pillar. He clutched at his sides and grit his teeth as the pain of moving was amplified by the internal bruising he was sure he had.

"Kind of tired of getting my ass kicked," he muttered as he took a few deep, ragged breaths.

With a flash of yellow Hayato rushed forward again but Seris reacted in kind and, in a flash of blue, he moved out of the way.

Hayato adjusted and continued his pursuit, not giving Seris much time.

He ran towards his rings and grabbed them. With a grunt he flung them out of the wall as hard as he could. They flew behind him and barely missed Hayato but they gave Seris the distraction that he needed. He glowed blue once more and turned to attack Hayato as his rings began to circle around and attack him once more.

The rings appeared to be moving in slow motion as Seris rushed forward and threw a lightning infused punch straight at Hayato's neck.

In the last instance before he connected, however, Hayato moved out of the way.
Seris unleashed even more electricity and Hayato slowed down again. He went for another punch to the neck but before he could connect he felt his organs twist and he puked up a mouthful of blood.

He fell to his hands and knees, trembling as he struggled to hold himself up.

Hayato stared down at him and with a slight twist to his body he sent a kick flying towards Seris's face.

Seris braced for the impact, but to his shock, nothing came.

He opened his eyes to see Hayato's foot a mere centimeter away from his ear.

"You fought well," Hayato said in his normal voice as he slowly placed his foot firmly on the ground.

"You... You're normal?" Seris gasped.

"I havent been under control since you tried to shock me," he offered his hand to Seris.
Seris took it and shakily stood up, grasping desperately to his sides.

"What's wrong with me?" he asked as blood trickled down his chin. "I was doing fine, I was in the middle of an attack and I almost collapsed."

"Somewhere in this battle you discovered one of my secrets," Hayato replied. "You learned to infuse your body and your brain with electricity and improve and speed up your body's movement capability and your brain's processing speed."

"That explains how you hit me so many times so quickly," he wheezed, "But I didn't even see that last hit... how fast are you?"

"That last hit was not me, that was you using up almost all of your energy. The body can handle being sped up, especially for those like us who can use electricity freely, but it still has its limits. You pushed past those way too quickly. Your body was going too fast, but even worse, your brain was too. Your brain sent too many signals and your body couldn't keep up. You almost killed yourself."

"I see..." Seris said, deep in thought.

"Here, sit," Hayato guided him to the wall.

Seris collapsed against the stone and relaxed his body.

He sat there gasping with his eyes closed for a moment.

"Why do you think you're not being controlled anymore?"

"Partly because the surge of electricity you gave me possibly helped me regain more focus, but if I had to guess, I'd say that most likely Crowe has gotten uncomfortably close and so he had to turn his attention from our battle."

"Heh, mission accomplished then," Seris smirked as he let his head rest against the wall.

It didn't take long before he completely lost consciousness.
Raijin floated next to them and looked down at Seris.

"Well, we can't just leave him here by himself," he said as he crossed his arms.

"You're right," Hayato replied, "Security would surely have him put away and he couldn't handle it in this condition.

Don't worry, I'll take him, Grey said as he descended next to them. Would you lift him onto my back, please?

Raijin nodded and placed Seris on the horse's back gently.

It would be wise for the two of you to disappear as well. Crowe will need as much help as he can get.

Grey turned and took off at a soft, low flight into the Hub.

"Think they'll be alright?" Raijin asked.

"As long as Grey is alert and well they'll have little issue," Hayato replied, "Those that can control lightning are a force to be reckoned with," he smiled as they turned to go search for Crowe.

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