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We started getting requests to play at more venues and places and got all positive reactions, so we decided to call Emilia and meet her at the recording studio. When we got there, she was super excited and told us that she could get us lessons to work on getting really good. She said that after a while, we would have a whole album ready to record. She's really enthusiastic, so she and Mackenzie get along really well. We asked our parents and they said they could pay for lessons since we're so good and we started to go every Monday and Thursday. We hang out during school and sit together at lunch to talk about our band.

It's been about three weeks and we're getting really good and we've made two more songs. We record the first song and release it as a single. People bought it really fast and it soon sold out. I knew we were good, but not that good. I honestly have no idea how we got so popular, especially so fast.

We keep playing at restaurants and working on our skills at the recording studio. We actually earn quite a bit of money from playing, but we all work at Chick-fil-a to earn some more. It's fun to work with them. My mom is really proud of me. Oh yeah, Caden and Evan started dating, which, of course, Mackenzie died when they did. I still think she and James need to start dating too though.

Before I know it, graduation day comes around. I can't wait to get out of the prison they call school. I can't believe I actually passed though. I never turn in assignments and I'm not smart, so I have no idea how that happened. I'm not just saying that.

"Sally Ryan Harrison." They call my name and I blush, because I haven't told anyone my real name, and it's a really girly name. It's because my mom named me after my grandmother. After I get my diploma, I'm still blushing because my friends are smiling at me, most likely for my name.

Cole and Caden are grinning like madmen when I get there. I open my mouth to tell them not to even try, but Cole says, "Congrats, Sally." I punch him on the arm, really hard.

"Shut up." I mumble. He groans and rubs his arm.

"I like it. But Ryan fits you better." Mackenzie says. James nods.

After graduation, I go home to get the mail and am surprised to see an envelope addressed to me. I open it up and see a letter. I read it and see that it's from Disney. I keep reading and gasp. It says that I won the six tickets to go to Disney World. I run to my apartment and go to my mom.

"Mom! Mom! Guess what?" I say. She turns around, startled. "I took a survey to get six tickets to Disney and I won!"

"Really? That's great honey, but I can't take you." She says.

"Oh it's ok, I can drive. Anyway, don't you want to go?" I ask.

"I don't really like stuff like that." She says.

"You sure?"

"Yes. If you go, you have to pay for gas." My mom says.

"I know." I say.

"Who else will you take anyway?"

"I do have friends, mom."

"Oh, right." She says, and smiles. "I'm kidding." I smile. "When are the tickets valid through?"

I read over the letter again. "Um... Oh! Until the end of next week."

"Alright. I'll think about it." She says.

"Thank you mom!" I say and hug her. I go to my room and take out the tickets from the envelope and set them on my desk.

Two days later, my mom said I could go and I've asked everyone if they can go and they said they surprisingly can. We get in the van and Caden drives us.

"I have that song stuck in my head." Mackenzie complains from beside me.

"What song?" I ask.

"You know, that one that goes like 'Just a small town girl...' " Mackenzie sings.

"Oh yeah." I start singing it and soon we're all signing "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. Even Evan sings. He's still distant, but he's warmed up to us. He talks more, but still not a lot. We sing more songs together, off-pitch since we're not perfect. It's a lot of fun. We finally get there and do all of the rides and stuff. I think the Disney trip really helped us bond more. One time, a girl walked up to us and said, "Aren't you guys Black Magic?"

"Yes, we are..." I say.

"Really? Woah. I have that song you guys made. It's awesome. Do you think I could have an autograph?" She says. That's weird. We're two states away and a little girl knows about us and loves us. We only put out one song. That's amazing.

"Of course!" Cole and Caden say and the same time. "What do you want us to sign?" Mackenzie and I exchange looks, rolling our eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you guys are way hotter than I expected." The little girl says.

"Yeah, we are." Caden says, posing.

"Why thank you ma'am." Cole says, and bows.

"Can you sign my shirt?" The girl says. She's probably about fourteen. "And can I get a picture?"

"Yes, of course." Caden says. They sign her shirt and take a picture with her. When she asks for me, Mackenzie, and Evan to take a picture with her too, we refuse to.

"You know, I really didn't know what to expect since I didn't know what you two looked like, but you are really hot." The girl says. Caden and Cole have linked their arms in hers and are starting to walk away with her.

"Thank you. You aren't too bad yourself." Cole says, winking, making the girl blush.

"What's your name?" Caden asks her.

"Fiona." She says. Mackenzie and I walk over to them and have to drag them away from her.

"Bye!" Fiona says.

"Bye!" Caden and Cole say, waving at her.

"Wasn't that awesome? Our first fan!" Caden says.

"I know, right? She was awesome!" Cole agrees.

"You guys know not everyone's gonna gawk over how 'attractive' you are." I say, doing air quotes.

"Of course they are! What else are they gonna gawk over? Your lovely personality?" Cole says, grinning. I roll my eyes. Once we started getting popular, I feared we would have fan girls.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I updated. Hopefully this chapter was worth waiting for. I finished my book, "A Girl, A Picture, A Guy" (bad name, I know) now, so I'll be writing this book more often. If you're reading this and you like it, make sure to hit the little star at the bottom of your screen! (Please and thank you) Love you little piggies! K BYEEEEEE (Backs into the shady corner I always back away into with a creepy smile)

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