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^Rough idea of what Ryan looks like^

I met my best friends in detention. Yup. I know what you're thinking, oh is this going to be a typical thing where the girl is sarcastic and all and then she becomes best friends for life with the first humans to interact with her and then she falls in love with one of them while they all go on this grand adventure? Probably. Enjoy.

So today I'm wearing a black tank top, a black hoodie, and black jeans with big holes in the part over the knee. Of course, holes in jeans are against the school dress code, but I still wore them anyways. Because, why not? Right? Haha look at me I'm a badass rebel girl who doesn't give a crap of what anyone thinks. Yay. Anyway, a teacher pulled me to the side.

"Ryan, you know you're not allowed to wear ripped jeans to school. I've already given you multiple warnings." She says.

"I know." I say.

"So you realize I have to send you to the office." The teacher-Mrs. Smith- says.

"I know." I say again.

"Ok, then please go to the office and talk to Principal Stewart." She says, and ushers me out of the door. I make my way up to the office. Principal Stewart is a short, fat little man with a shaved head that gleams in the fluorescent lights. It's one of those ugly haircuts where he has hair on the sides but not the top. I walk into the office.

"Hello Ryan. Why would a little girl like yourself be wandering into my office?" He asks, propping his elbows up on his desk and rests his chin on his hands.

I roll my eyes. "First of all, I'm not a little girl. This is high school, remember? Second, I'm not wandering. I was sent up here. And third, dress code." I say, like it's obvious, -because it is- gesturing to my jeans.

"Yes, yes. Again, Ryan? You should know better." He says, shaking his head.

"Yes, yes. Again. I should know better." I say mockingly. His mouth opens like he's about to say something, but I stop him. "Can I ask you something?" Before he responds, I say, "Why are jeans with holes in them against dress code anyway?"

"Well, first, they look unprofessional." Principal says, obviously annoyed. "And second, it shows too much skin."

"Well if they look so unprofessional, make us all wear uniforms. And how come a hole in jeans is more revealing than shorts, like oh I don't know, basketball shorts? Which aren't against dress code, I might add." I ask and cross my arms.

"Well- hmm, good point..." He muttered. "But I have to give you detention because this is the third time you've been dress coded. And also because you talked back to me. Apparently you're not supposed to do that."

Wow he's a bad principal. "Ok, whatever." I say. "Can I leave now?"

"Yes. Of course. Yes. Go." Principal says.

I leave his office. The rest of school goes by normally. Boring and lonely. I don't really have any friends. Yeah, I know, you're probably thinking, "Wow, Ryan, you're such a loner." Yeah, I know, I am. It's kinda sad. Actually very sad. All the way to high school and I've never had friends. Wow typical Wattpad book, am I right?

     Finally, the end of the day comes. I was so ready to go home. Then I remembered I had detention. Great. I go to Mr. Franklin's room for detention. I walk in and see five people. Four guys, one girl. The girl has her curly hair in pigtails. She has bangs. One side of her hair is dyed black, the other is dyed a light purple. She is actually pretty, but she gives me a little creepy vibes. She has a doll and is gripping it, whispering words to it. But that's completely normal, you know. But whatever.

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