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- Detention -

I walk in and see the same people as last time. No Cain. That's just messed up. Everything's the same, except for that this time, when I walk in, they all stare at me. I ignore them and walk to my seat. I see that Mackenzie is talking to the guy with the weird black paint stuff. They look like they are good friends. They'd be a cute couple. Cole and Caden are throwing bits of eraser at each other this time. The guy with the white hair is doing the same thing as last time. I pull out my phone and see, in the reflection, that a small bruise has formed where I got punched. I smile a little, trying to let it go. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I was pretty awesome.

I plug in my earbuds  and play "Victorious" by Panic! At The Disco. I chuckle. It's fitting, since I just beat that asshat Cain.

"What're you laughing at?" Cole comes up to me and asks. He sits on my desk. I glare at him. (What's new?)

"Your face." I mutter before saying, "Why should I tell you?" I try not to laugh as I spot a small piece of eraser in his hair. A smile slowly spreads across my lips.

"Do you always answer questions with questions?" He says, looking annoyed.

"I don't know, do I?" I say, tilting my head to the side.

Cole rolls his eyes. "I'll take that as a yes." He stares at me. For a loooong time. I just stare right back, holding his gaze. His state gets more intense, so I match mine with even more intensity, just to prove I'm better.

Finally, I say, "You got a problem?"

"Just thinking." He shakes his head and looks away. "I thought getting detention for dress code was only one day."

"It is, I just missed you guys." I smile.

"I find that hard to believe." Cole smirks. "So why are you still in here?"

"I punched someone." I say, like yesterday, but this time it isn't  a lie.

"And I guess they punched you back?" He reaches out his hand and taps my face where the bruise is. I pull back and glare at him.

"Ow." I say, scowling.

"Though maybe it's from falling and hitting your head." Cole shrugs. "Either seems reasonable."

I glare at him. "Actually, for your information, I got in a fight with Cain Blackwood." I smirk. "And I beat him. Left him lying on the floor, clutching his balls."

"Wow," Cole says, even though he doesn't sound surprised. "That's amazing." He drags out the second "a" in amazing, showing he's being sarcastic.

"Aww, thanks! You're so sweet." I say, though I know he's not actually being nice.

"You're so welcome!" Cole says, knowing I didn't mean it. "I did hear something about a big fight... So, how long are you in here?"

"A week."

His jaw drops. "WHAT? NO WAY!!" Cole practically yells. Mr. Franklin looks up from his computer and glares at him. Cole shrugs and grins at him. Mr. Franklin shakes his head and mutters something inaudible.

"Well, it's not that surprising... It was a pretty big fight... I mean, I wasn't surprised..." I say, kind of confused why he's so shocked.

"No, I'm surprised that you actually gave me a real answer instead of a question."

"Oh." I say, feeling my cheeks redden. I try to make them stop turning red.

Cole laughs, which makes my cheeks get even redder. I glare at him, though I must look really stupid, a little glaring tomato.

We look at each other for a long time. I have to strain myself not to reach up and brush the eraser bits out of his messy hair. They're really annoying. And in that time that I stare at him I realize that he could actually be cute. With some help, of course. His big, brown eyes, and his dark, messy hair that sticks up everywhere make him all hot-guy-who-you-would-think-is-a-model-but-isn't like and I'll admit, it's attractive. Also his carefree and full-of-energy personality is nice.

It's so weird how he makes me blush so much. No one makes me blush, I don't blush easily. Something about him makes me blush though... Ugh! God, Ryan, don't think like that. Don't even consider getting in any relationships. They always end in drama and backstabbing. Not that I know from experience. Just observation. You get pretty good at that when no one wants to talk to you.

I look away, and Cole does too, trying to hide his blush, but I notice a little pink coming to his cheeks. He scratches the back of his neck. "Hey, I never caught your name."

"Well, you can't really catch a name. Unless you write it down on a piece of paper..." I say.

"Really?" He says in a bored tone. "You know what I mean."

"What if I don't?" I ask, even though I know perfectly well that he's asking what my name is.

He rolls his eyes. "God, you're insufferable. What. Is. Your. Name?" He says slowly.

"Why?" I say.

Cole smacks his hand to his forehead and groans. "Just tell me your name."

I say, "You have to guess it."

"Really?" He sighs. "At least give me a hint."

I stare at him with narrowed eyes. "Fine, you'd never guess it anyway, and I'm not about to waste forever on guessing a name. It starts with an R."

"R... Hmm... Rylee?"





I shake my head no.


"No way!"


"Not even close."


"I'll just tell you if you're right."

"Raelyn. Raina. Rebecca. Reha. Regina."

"Regina? Do I really look like a Regina to you?" I roll my eyes.

"Rafael. Ralph. Randall. Reed. Raven. Ray."

"Ok now you're just desperate."

"Retardondo. Requina. Rebalinca. Reedwan. Raterina. Roberto."

"Oh my god, just stop please. You made up those last ones. I'll tell you the last letter."


"Holy crap you're enthusiastic." I say. "What?"

"I know what it is." Cole smirks.

"Then what is it?" I say.

"Why should I tell you?" He says.

"Hey! No!" I point a finger at him. "You can't copy me!" I say.

"I can do whatever I want," He leans in close and adds, "Ryan." His eyebrows are raised and he's smirking the stupid smirk.

"Oh so you think you're all smart. How do you know that that one is the right one?" I say.

"I don't know. It was a lucky guess. You might want to get your stuff together." I look at him quizzically. "It's time to go," He says like it's obvious. Then I hear the bell ringing, but like it's been ringing for a little while, not like it just started. Did I really zone out? He turns and gathers his things up off his desk and heads out the door. As I get my backpack, I wonder how you can fit so annoyingness (is that a word?) into a single person. We all go out the door and get on the bus that takes us home.


Love you little piggies! K BYEEEEEE (Backs into the shady corner I always back away into with a creepy smile)

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