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I sit close to the front of the bus. How come Cole makes me feel uncomfortable and makes me blush so easily? No one ever has. Not even when I get embarrassed. I don't get embarrassed easily either, but I got super embarrassed when I was wrong about something Cole said. Well, maybe it's me and I'm just changing. Ugh whatever.

And speak of the devil. Cole slides into the bus seat where I'm sitting. "Having trouble finding a seat on this practically empty bus? Because I'd gladly show you to one-" I say and glare at him. "not close to where I'm sitting." I add.

"Oh come on, Ryan. I know you want me to sit by you." I start to protest, but he cuts in. "Also, I know you're wondering how I knew your name." Cole says.

"Actually, I'm not interested." I say, though, to be honest, I kind of am. "And, no, I don't want you to sit by me."

"All I had to do was ask Mackenzie. I saw you two talking yesterday, so I talked to her and asked her. She's a nice girl." He says, like I didn't even say anything.

"I said I'm not interested. I don't really care how anyone knows my name." Honestly. "It's not a big mystery or anything."

"Yeah sure." Cole says. "I know you were secretly wondering." He grins.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "I'm moving." I say and stand up. Cole just looks up at me and has a slight smile on his face. I glare at him. I stand there for a while, just waiting for him to move, and he just sits there, smirking. Finally I roll my eyes and say, "Whatever." I turn around to the back of the seat. I step up onto the part where you sit and swing my legs over the back of it. Then I hop down into the seat that was behind me. Cole's head pokes up from the seat I was just in, his eyes narrowed. I smirk.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, so
I turn around. It's the guy with the weird makeup stuff on his neck. "Hi, I'm James, and I was just going to say,
that was really brave, what you did to Cain." He says. "He's... He's bullied me before..."

"Im sorry. He deserved it even more, then." I smile genuinely. "I'm Ryan." I say. James smiles back.

"My little sister's name is Ryan."

"That's cute. How old is she?" I ask.

Suddenly, he gets a sad look in his eyes. Before I can ask what's wrong, he says, "She was five when she died."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." I say.

"It's ok." James says, before it gets too awkward. "Well, nice meeting you, Ryan."

"You too, James." I say.

"We will be picking up kids from Middleston High School in just a moment. Please make room for them." The bus driver says over the speakers. Oh great. Our school has a rivalry with them that no one is really sure how it got started, but the schools have hated each other since. In a few minutes, the bus stops and I pull up my hood, tucking my red hair into it. Kids start filing onto the bus. I turn my head towards the window.

"Get out of my seat, loser!" I hear a dude say. I turn towards the voice and realize that it's a guy with brown hair and he's talking to me. I sigh and ignore him. "Hey! I said get out of my seat!" I stand up reluctantly and look at him with a bored look.

"Your seat?" I say.

"Yes, it's my seat, now get out."

"No. It's not your seat. Just because you think everyone worships you doesn't mean you own everything. You can't just kick people out of their seats. Especially when they were there first." I remark.

"I said, get out." He hisses.

"And I said no." I cross my arms. God, people like this are so annoying. They think they own everything. His face turns red with anger. I see that the other kids on the bus have gathered around us.

"You better get out of my seat or I will beat up your puny little ass." He glares at me.

I laugh. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't punch you so hard even Google won't be able to find you." The crowd goes "Ohhh!"

"I will hurt you so bad that you're gonna regret the day you were born." The kids that have gathered turn towards me, expecting me to shrivel up in defeat, but I stand strong.

"I doubt it, but if you do, it won't be nearly as much as how much your parents regretted making you." Someone in the crowd says "Roasted!"

The guy growls and pulls his hand back. I get ready to duck, but Cole suddenly stands up. "Hey! Stop it. She was in the seat first, and you have no right to take it from her!"

The guy laughs. "Aww, are you protecting your little girlfriend? How sweet."

"Cole." I say giving him a stern look. "That was very unnecessary. You need to sit back down and think about all the regrettable decisions you've made. Surely that will take lots of time." I say to him like I'm his parent or something. Cole looks mad about it, but gets the hint that it's my fight and sits down reluctantly. Wow I'm gonna be a great mom.

I turn towards the guy and crack my knuckles. "Where were we?" Before he can react, I grab his arm and spin him towards me, locking his arm around his own neck. "Next time you decide to pick on someone, it better not be me." I say into his ear. He starts gagging  and choking. I wait until he's struggling before releasing him and shoving him away.

He turns around and glares at me. I pull up my hood more and turn away. I hear someone whisper to someone else, "She had him before he could even touch her," and I smirk to myself. I can tell that the guy was embarrassed from being beat by a girl and I'm proud of myself. Two bullies in one day. A new record. I know I probably shouldn't be happy, but I don't regret it.


Love you little piggies! K BYEEEEEE (Backs into the shady corner I always back away into with a creepy smile)

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