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*This is a extra, short chapter that I did for Mother's Day since when I wrote it on Mother's Day.*

The rest of the bus ride was uneventful. I just went home as normal. I walk into apartment number 22. I say hello to my mom and hug her.

"Happy Mother's Day, mom.  I'll have your present in just a couple of minutes, ok?" I say.

"Present?" My mom says.

"Yeah, of course. I'll make dinner tonight too. What do you want?"

"You really don't have to, but if you make dinner, just make whatever you want." She smiles. "Thank you, Ryan. I love you."

"Love you too, mom." I smile. I hug her one more time and go to my room. For her present, I'd been composing a song for her. It's about how when dad died, it was for a reason and how he's always with us, in our hearts. Sounds sappy but my mom loves stuff like that, and I think it will be special.

I finish my homework and practice my song. I'm not bragging or anything like that, but I think I'm a pretty good singer. No one except my mom knows, though. I don't like singing on front of anyone. I perfect my song and write her a card. I come out and find my mom sitting at the table, just staring. She's been doing this every once in a while since dad died. I miss him too, but I've learned that it's better to know he's with us than to just mope around about it. He would want us to stay strong.

I give my mom a quick squeeze on the shoulders and ask, "Does spaghetti sound good to you?"

Finally she looks up at me. "Yes, that would be wonderful, honey. Thank you." I nod and go into the kitchen. I make up some spaghetti, singing some songs while I do. I place a plate in front of my mom and one in front of me. "Thank you." She says. We eat and make small talk. When we're done, I clean up the dishes. I get my mom to sit on the couch and give her the card I made. She reads it and smiles. "Thank you, Jelly Roll." I smile. My mom and dad always called me Jelly Roll when I was little. Apparently I really loved them back then.

"Now for your present, it's not something you can physically hold. It's a song."

"Aww that's sweet." I walk over to our small keyboard I've had for forever and start singing. While I sing, I get lost in the song and sing with my whole heart. Whenever I sing, it feels like I let all my emotions out. While I usually keep them inside, when I'm singing, I let them all out. I let them flow out with the lyrics. That's why I love singing and writing songs so much. It's hard to talk about my feelings but music helps me with that. It sounds stupid, but it really does. When I'm done, my mom's eyes are watery, and so are mine.

"I love you mom." I say and hug her.

"That was beautiful." She says. We look at each other and smile.

"Now you go get a much needed, relaxing bath." I say. "And I'll go do some much needed laundry." We laugh. Mom goes and gets in the tub and I start the laundry. When she gets out, I help her into bed and give her a goodnight kiss on the cheek. "Sleep well." I say. I go fold the clothes, put them in the drawers and go to bed.

Love you little piggies! K BYEEEEEE (Backs into the shady corner I always back away into with a creepy smile)

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