
21 4 10

Cole's POV

I watch as Ryan sings her part of the song, waiting for mine. Her voice is so beautiful, and she's so cute when she sings. I mean, um... whaaaaaaat? Hehe... I was actually jealous of Caden, when he was dating Ryan. I'm glad they broke up. Haha... I mean, poor them, they were really um... cute! Yeah, cute together... I realize that everyone is looking at me, including Ryan, who is glaring at me.

"Huh? What?" I say, snapping out of my daze.

"It's your part." Ryan says, placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh! Right." I clear my throat. "Um... Where were we?"

Ryan rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Really?" I cringe, and mutter an apology. "Whatever. Just start the song over."

This time, I don't get lost in my thoughts and get my part of the song right. Ryan and I did a really good job on the lyrics, and everyone else on the music. I love being in a band, especially with these people. Even if Ryan acts like she hates my guts. It's really fun hanging out with them. I hope our band stays together. We've had a lot of practices and have mastered the song. It sounds amazing. I'm really proud of us, and we've grown pretty close over the last few weeks.

"I'm starving." Caden says.

"Me too." I agree.

"Yeah." James says.

"You guys are always hungry." Ryan complains.

"So? At least we don't eat as much as you!" Caden says, and I laugh.

"True." I say.

Ryan's mouth hangs open. "I work for all that food."

"Doing what?" I say.

"Let's see, I sing in band practice, I get my homework done, unlike some people," Ok, that was pointed at me. "I help my mom get through the day, I do laundry, make dinner, get groceries, and also, I have to manage you guys. That takes a lot of work. If I wasn't here, you guys would get absolutely nothing done." She says, glaring at us. Yeah sure, it's true, me and Caden horse around all the time, not getting any work done, but it's fun.

"Hey, we do that stuff." Caden says. Ryan raises an eyebrow. "Some of it..." She keeps raising the eyebrow. "Ok, like two things from that list, but still!"

"Can't we just get Taco Bell or something?" Mackenzie says.

"Yeah." James says.

"I don't like Taco Bell." Evan says.

"What?" I say.

"I don't like Taco Bell." He repeats.


"When I think of it, it makes me want to puke all over you."

"Wha- wait, why me?" I say. Evan shrugs.

"Well, then where are we going to eat?" James asks.

"Hm... How about Sonic?" I suggest.

"Sounds good!" Mackenzie says.

"I'm down." Caden says.

"Me too." James says.

"Sure." Evan says.

"Fine with me." Ryan says.

"Ok. Let's go." I say, and they follow me out of the garage. We all pile into my car since we're at my house, and I drive to Sonic. On the way, everyone, including me, is really loud, singing to the music. Once we get there, I pull into the drive in-thingie and ask everyone what they want.

"I want a milkshake and a number 9 please!" Mackenzie squeals from the back.

"What kind of milkshake?" I ask.


I press the button to order. "Hi, welcome to Sonic, what can I getcha?" A woman's voice goes through the speaker.

"Hi, yes. Can I get a chocolate milkshake and a number 9 please?" I say.

"Yes, sir. What size milkshake?"

I turn to Mackenzie. "Small!"

"A small please."

"Alright, what side?"

"Tater tots!" Mackenzie yells.


"I hear her." I can hear the last chuckle. "Anything else?"

"Yes, just give me a moment please." I say, and ask everyone else what they want. James gets the same as Mackenzie, Caden gets number 8, a large Oreo milkshake, and a large fry. Evan just gets a small vanilla milkshake. I turn to Ryan, who is next to me. She orders a small fry and a small slushie. I guess she's not hungry today. I put in everyone's orders, and when I'm about to order mine, Ryan says, "I love this song!" and starts singing to it. I roll my eyes and order the rest.

When the lady comes with our food, she says, "Who was that singing in the background?"

I point at Ryan. "Her."

"Well, young lady, those are some amazing vocals right there. Where did you learn to sing?"

"I didn't. I just sang at home and stuff." Ryan states.

"Well, maybe you should join a band or something."

"We're actually a band, everyone in this car." I say.

"Oh really? I know a place where you guys can perform, if you're any good." The waitress says and flips over the receipt, scribbling something on the back. She hands us he food and I thank her. I pass out all of the food and look on the back of the receipt. Mia's Coffee Shop, 1st St.

"The coffee shop on first street is where she said we could perform." I say, and take a bite of my food.

"Mhat shounnfd amashingh!" Mackenzie says, mouth full of food. She swallows. "That sounds amazing!"

"Yeah, I bet we could do it." James agrees.

"I don't know..." Ryan says.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" I say.

"Yeah!" Caden agrees. Evan just grunts, eating his milkshake. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Are you sure we could?" Ryan says. "Are we even that good?"

"What do you mean? We're amazing!" Mackenzie says.

"Yeah. We really do sound awesome." James says.

"I'm still unsure." Ryan says.

"What if we give you something after?" I ask.

"Like what?"

"Food?" I suggest.

"It has to either be really really really really delicious good food, or something else." Ryan says, and sips her slushie.

"Come on guys, help me out." I say, turning to everyone else. Everyone is silent. "Really? No one? Not a single idea?"

"Fine. I'll do it, but you all," Ryan says, pointing a finger at everyone, "owe me."

I laugh and we drive back to my house in silence since everyone is eating.


If you're reading this and you like it, make sure to hit the little star at the bottom of your screen! (Please and thank you) Love you little piggies! K BYEEEEEE (Backs into the shady corner I always back away into with a creepy smile)

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