Chapter 4: The Drawbacks of Having a Naive Friend

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Emma, Lynn and Cara in the cafeteria above ------------------------------->

This chapter is dedicated to Karmas_Sister for being the awesome person she is and having my back even though we've never met! :') I miss you so much girl!♡ And you guys should definitely check out her books, they're absolutely worth reading!


The next day, I was seated at our usual table in the cafeteria while Evan, Ryan and Lynn argued endlessly about some movie they'd all watched, fighting on behalf of their favorite characters. I rested my head against the table, trying to tune them out, but they were annoyingly loud. Usually I loved their banter, but after getting less than three hours of sleep last night, their voices pierced my head like drill machines. 

I pulled restlessly at my collar and tried to fan myself with a book. London normally had moderate temperatures and a cool breeze always followed at night, but it was unusually hot today. My white school shirt stuck to my sweaty back due to the sweltering heat, and I fervently hoped my deodorant was working. The humid weather did not help in improving my mood.

"You okay?" Cara dropped into the seat next to me, her silky, blond hair pulled into a high ponytail. Her green eyes were outlined with silver eyeliner, enhancing them even more, and I found myself wondering why, even with these looks, Evan hadn't asked her out yet. She had the looks and the personality. 

I smiled up at her. "Yeah, you know me." 

Lynn looked up, a huge grin crossing her face. "You back already?" she teased, "Did your new friends ditch you?"

"I came because you obviously need to tell us something," Cara replied coolly, crossing her arms and fixing her with a steely glare. Lynn blinked slowly then turned to look at the rest of us as we stared at her expectantly. 

"I do?" she questioned, laughing nervously. 

"Yeah, I think it's about time." Cara answered drily, and Ryan jumped in with an emphatic nod, "Yeah, especially about this mysterious stranger you keep texting." he said, and I don't miss the slightly sour note added to his words.

Lynn averted her gaze, fiddling with the hem of her skirt, then suddenly jumped up as if the chair had electrified her. 

"Oh no you don't!" Ryan bellowed as he and Cara simultaneously jumped up and grabbed her.

"Leave me, you savages!" Lynn howled and thrashed about wildly as they forced her back into her seat. "Help! Somebody help!" she turned to look at me with pleading eyes, and despite my aching neck and the stifling heat of the cafeteria, I grinned at her. I couldn't help it;  I could feel my mood lifting considerably as I watched her kicking aimlessly at Ryan and Cara, as they tied her hands to the chair with the straps of her bag.

"I think I'll sit back and enjoy the show." I said, casually. Evan laughed as he sipped on his milkshake, surveying the whole situation with amusement.

"Okay, fine!" Lynn yelled, scowling and wriggling uncomfortably in her chair."Can't you untie me, though? I promise I'll talk."

"No." Cara sent her a deadpanned look, and I was reminded once again of how different the two best friends were.

"Fine." Lynn sighed dramatically and slumped into her chair with defeat. "I.." she paused and scrunched up her face, as if contemplating her words. "I...met this guy online."Her confession caused an uproar the moment it left her mouth. 


"So that's who you were talking to that day!"

"Are you freaking kidding me?!"

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