Chapter 1: What More Could I Possibly Want?

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Hey everyone! Thankyou so much to those who tried the prologue.❤

Above is a drawing I made of Emma, the lead role ------------------>
(I know it's not that great, and a cast would probably be much better, but well, i like being original :p)



I slammed my locker door multiple times in frustration before it finally shut (or so I thought), much to the amusement of one of my friends, Lynn.

"Are you done?" she asked, a grin tugging at her lips as the door creaked open again. I grunted in response and banged it hard again.

"Stupid, damn door needs to be fixed!" I growled, and in a sudden fit of rage, grabbed my bag and repeatedly hit my locker door with it.

Instead of helping me, Lynn's deep brown eyes widened and she burst out laughing at my futile attempts.

"Nice, very helpful." I narrowed my eyes at her and started pounding the grey steel locker with my bag again.

"Woah woah, calm down there little tiger!" Ryan, a tall, lanky brunette exclaimed as he appeared behind Lynn. His eyes twinkled as he surveyed the situation.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly at him, letting my bag slide to the floor. "It's just that--"

"Oh no, no, dear," Ryan suddenly shook his head fervently.

I gave him a confused look. "What?"

"I completely understand why you're angry." he placed a hand on my shoulder, and faked a serious, sympathetic smile. "Life has never been easy on any of us. How can one not feel angry with fate is what I ask." he gave a heartfelt sigh, "By all means, let it all out."

I rolled my eyes, holding back a smile. Typical, over dramatic Ryan.

Lynn grabbed my bag and started stuffing it with the contents of my now-useless locker. "Her locker door is just being very stubborn, that's all." She heaved it over her shoulder and started walking down the hallway, her silky black ponytail bouncing behind her. Our dreary grey, green and white school uniform complimented her slim figure. "Come on you two, we'll be late for our first class."

We followed after her obediently.

"Why do we have to attend our class, Lynn?" Ryan whined childishly, "Is studying really necessary?"

"Well, I don't know." Lynn replied, turning to face us and walking backwards. A mocking smile spread across her lips, "For people like you, it probably isn't. After all, nothing ever goes past your thick skull."

Ryan shot her a sour look and I laughed.

"This reminds me of a song." he added, his face brightening. He cleared his throat and started singing in a voice that would've scared kittens, "We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control! Teachers, we don't wanna study, leave us alone--!"

"You can sing that when you're homeless and you're begging people for food on the streets." A familiar voice interrupted and I turned to see Evan and Cara falling into step beside us. Ryan high-fived his best friend and muttered, "I really don't feel like studying though."

"Don't get any ideas." Cara warned, noticing the hopeful expression that momentarily crossed his features.

Ryan was well known as our school's goofball, having played multiple pranks on teachers just to get out of studying. His parents were exasperated with his grades but that never stopped him.

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