I stifle a laugh and shake my head at my sister. I've always secretly admired the way she and Hudayfah have been close to one another, always excited when they meet. He treats her like royalty and it's evident that he's always happier when she's around: it's cute.

I hear the scraping of a chair and I stiffen, hearing loud footsteps begin to walk but then sigh in relief when I recognise that they aren't heading my way. I bite down on my dry lips, hoping that Nafisah doesn't let anything silly slip out of her mouth.

Little miss Blabber mouth.

"Zach is nice." Kamil says from further down the kitchen and I draw my head closer to the gap between the door and the wall, straining my neck to hear him clearly. "He's better than Hudayfah. He can buy you things-"

This guy really gets on my nerves. Why is he so adamant on making Nafisah like Zach? Does he really think that I'm marrying the guy and that he's going to become her brother-in-law?

"No!" Nafisah moans in a low voice, huffing at her elder brother. I see her jump off her chair to move towards her brother who stands at the sink, leaning against the counter with his arms across his chest. "Zach isn't nice! I don't like him!"

I sigh softly, running a hand down my face. My head leans against the wall and I begin to bite on my nails, wondering if I should just end this conversation now or wait to see the outcome of it.

"Whatever," I swear I hear Kamil mutter under his breath and I raise an eyebrow. He never talks to Nafisah in a rude manner, why the sudden change?He pulls open the fridge, his straight face and torso being covered from my view.

Knowing my sister very well, I know that she won't just leave this topic alone. She's one to get her point across and in this case, it's that she doesn't like Zach (I have no idea why) and that Hudayfah is better...for me. As a husband.

Woah. That sounds weird.


I shiver at the thought of getting married, especially at seventeen years old. I don't know how some people do it. Well, it's all good seeing as it shouldn't be taking place and I'm going to be getting away from this chaos in a matter of a few hours. I really should hurry up and get ready to escape this house without anyone noticing, which means I need to grab Nafisah and go.

"I want Hood Hood to marry Alvina!" Nafisah cries, her head thrown back as she throws her hands in the air in exasperation. My face burns slightly and I roll my eyes at myself for looking like a fool over what Nafisah wants. "Please, Kamil! Please can she marry hi-"

"Shut up!" Kamil suddenly yells at Nafisah, slamming the fridge door shut causing the contents inside to shake. He towers over her, a finger pointing down at her. "Just shut up."

Nafisah jumps slightly, her bewildered eyes staring up at Kamil in shock. He bears closer to her, his index finger shaking in front of her little face. "Just shut up about that guy and your stupid sister, you brat!"

I've never seen this side of Kamil with his little sister, he's never yelled at her and for this reason? Such a petty topic got him riled up and screaming at her, scaring the poor soul?! I honestly don't care who he is to her and how authoritative he can be over her, he cannot be scaring my little sister like that!

I find myself barging into the kitchen, my teeth gritted and my eyes glaring at Kamil. My hands are clenched into fists by my side as I breathe heavily through my nose, trying to tame my anger.

How dare he yell at my sister in such an absurd way?! How dare he think that he can do such a thing and get away with it?!

I glance at Nafisah who stands back, her wide eyes still staring up at Kamil who has now turned to face me. I feel empathy for her and I want to hold her and take her away from her horrible brother. Speaking of him, I scoff at him when he raises an eyebrow at me, smirking at my expression before chuckling. He then crosses his arms across his chest and makes his way towards me slowly, tilting his head to the side as he observes me. This only angers me further and I have the growing urge to break his face.

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