Chapter 3 - Seashells, and Embarrassment

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Chapter 3 – Seashells, and Embarrassment

Allison's POV

   Skyler still was pleading throughout the whole night, making sure I wouldn't hurt him for what he did. But, oh no, he's in for a punishment alright.

   "Skyler, when are you going to let it go? I'm fine–...Let's just go to sleep okay? I'm tired–..."

   "B-But–...I did that terrible prank on you–..."

   He looked down, while he was standing it the doorway.

   "I told you it's fine–...Now come on, I'm tired."

   "But, it's not fine–..."

   His eyes made contact with mine, making me freeze in place.

   "J-Just come on–...Are you asking for a punishment or something?" I snapped, starting to walk over to him, seeing he started having fear in his eyes as he slowly backed away.

   "Why are you backing away, you dumb ass–"

   I stopped walking and slumped over, seeing from the hallway he was backing towards the front door to bolt out when he had the chance. I sighed and walked back into my bedroom, shutting the door to change into my pajamas this time. Thank God I know I am this time...

   "Skyler! Are you going to sleep outside or what?!" I shrieked after about twenty minutes of continuous waiting. I pulled the covers off of me and stomped over to the door-frame, seeing Skyler no where in sight. Goddammit, did he leave the house? I walked around, looking in every door-way, seeing he wasn't anywhere. I approached my Mother's door–...My Mother hasn't returned for about 3 months now. I was shaking as I put my hand on the door-knob, slowly opening it to see the messed up covers and her vanity. I slowly tip-toed into her room, looking around to when I remember I was a little girl running around in this house. I remember running in here to climb up on top of the bed whenever a scary thunderstorm was bolting lightning and thunder, climbing up into my Mother's comfort. She may have grown away from me over the years, but she still was a good Mother at heart...

   I glanced at a picture on her end table, noticing it had my Mother, Father, and me. I started to tear up at the sight of my Father–...But I held the crying inside, as I picked up the picture frame to see we were at a beach. I remember this day–...We were all in Florida. Every summer we used to go down to Florida. This picture, my Father was holding me on his leg, while my Mother was cuddled up next to us. It was a great memory I had, because I used to never get to take pictures with my family. All I remember pictures that had me in it were baby pictures, but I forgot this one, however. But, then I let out the weeping sobs that I had held in, myself remembering us as a happy family–...But now, it's only torn apart. To leave me alone here–...To leave my Dad up in Heaven, or down in Hell–...To leave my Mother God knows where...

   I sunk down to the floor as I held the picture frame in both of my hands at they were crossed across my knee-caps. I felt isolated from everything at that moment, but I tried to cheer myself up as I tried to remember that summer...


   "Daddy! Daddy! Can we go swimming now!? Can you pick up Mommy and throw her in the ocean?" I jumped up and down, full of excitement as my pig-tails flopped up and down with me. My polka-dotted pink and white swimsuit showing brightly in the burning sunshine.

   "Hmm, I don't know if we can go swimming yet, but that part about throwing Mommy in the ocean–..." Daddy smiled a little, and slowly creeped along to my Mother who was bent over putting away drinks in the blue cooler. I heard a surprised scream, as I saw my Daddy picking up Mommy to the ocean. I heard her yelp as she was thrown into the deep blue ocean, along with many splashes and laughter...

(Book 2) - Our Weapon Of Love - Emo Boy and Nerdy Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now