Chapter 13 - Tearing At My Seams

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Chapter 13 – Tearing At My Seams

Teddy's POV

   "I know it's tough, A-Allison. W-We'll get through it, don't worry," I spoke to Allison as she was laying in the hospital bed next to me.
   "You both will get through this–..."
   I was starting to feel quite uneasy by that time. Sure, I suppose I might've been telling a lie. Don't get me in the wrong picture here, I hate lying to someone. For her sake, however, there's an exception. I mean, just think about it. How would you react whenever you're placed in the hands of a dying heart? Allison's was far from life. Her facial expressions from the traumatizing, constantly reminding memories of being molested and Skyler's terrible, possible fate is overtaking her. It's destroying her every moment she sits there, staring into nothingness. I had nothing else to do but try to keep assuring that it would all be alright. With the thoughts in her mind, however, it was if I was talking to a stone wall.
   She wouldn't even speak a word after the last sight of Skyler she had gotten to see as he was wheeled off in a mobile medical bed. Then she was, too, as well. They wouldn't allow me to go with Skyler, since they said that he needed surgery for the internal bleeding and I suppose the broken bones, too? I'm not much good whenever it comes to medical knowledge, so excuse me if I don't know everything. Besides that fact, I sorta wanted to assure if Allison was doing better since she was the only one– seemingly alive.
   Those words hurt me to say. Seemingly alive. I knew I didn't know the truth about poor Skyler's fate. I didn't know if he was alive or already passed on. He had no pulse as we got to the hospital, after all. So, who knows if he's barely hanging on or already– dead.
   I myself absolutely despise death of someone I know. It doesn't matter if I hadn't gotten to know them very much or not. If I remember them, and I cared for them, whenever something bad happens to that person–...I just shatter inside. My thoughts were overloaded with the fear of Allison's feelings and Skyler's already horrible fate.
   "H-Has this happened before, Alli?"
   Suddenly, I saw Allison's eyes start bawling of tears.
   H-Had I said something wrong?
"OhD-Daymon...E-Elizabeth..." she cried out.
   Daymon? Was that the hospital fellow?
   "I-Isn't that a f-friend of your's, Allison?"
   She only sobbed heavier.
   I was saying all the wrong things, wasn't I?
   "W-WasThey were–" she mumbled. My heart sank with guilt.
   "O-Oh, Allison dear, I– I'm so sorry. I d-didn't know."
   "Th-They p-passed on. L-Liz died in a plane crash a few days before my birthday. D-Daymon got murdered a little while after I had came back to the US. H-He arrived at my doorstep one day, stayed at my house for about a week until school began again. Y-You see, Skyler h-had a ex-girlfriend that was obsessed with him. She sorta 'held him captive' and 'took' him away from me. She said she would have had me killed if Skyler didn't be with her. Sk-Skyler never wanted to see me dead s-so he went with her. Then Daymon showed up, like I said. We went to school, and he was able to find out where Skyler and Cecilia, the ex, were at..." she teared up once again, "th-then we went to their house. I found Cecilia, and she held me up to the wall, sticking a knife up to my throat," she let out a sob, her tears starting to stream down her face once again.
   "S-Someone crept over to her, and tried attacking her from behind. I flicked on the lights and saw that person with a stab wound in his heart. A pool of blood surrounding him..."
   She broke down, crying heavily onto me as I was sitting next to her on the bed.
   "Th-That person was Daymon...H-He saved me from her."
   "A-Allison, I– I–" I had no words. I was just too torn by the poor mates' fates.
   "A-And, what's so great about that is, is that he sang a song to me just before we snuck into the house. He said in the song he loved me. E-Even though my friend, Liz, had just died...Th-They were dating b-before they died. I couldn't believe it myself, but I was actually starting to fall for him, too. It was terrible of me, I know, since I was still i-in love with Skyler. B-But–...At the time, Daymon was mainly the only one there for me. With Skyler disappearing so much in the past, and since he was with Cecilia at the time, I just– somewhat fell for Daymon. And now look where it has me. He's dead. Liz is dead. A-And now..."
   "Skyler might be, too..." she sobbed.
   I wrapped my arms around her in comfort, I didn't care if it seemed like something I shouldn't of done. She needed comfort– and much of it. Allison didn't seem to mind, she leaned up more and hugged me back, only weeping worse into my chest that was now faced towards her.
   "A-Allison, I swear to you that I will move from this town and into your's so that way I would be there if you ever need the help. I'll try as much as I can, love, to get you through these terrible things. A-All I can really say i-is that. I'm terrible sorry, Allison, for all of this damn hell you've gone through in your life. I'm sure there's more than this, but just– goddamn it all."
   Allison had eventually cried herself to sleep. I had thought it was my cue to then leave, but I stayed a few extra moments to check up with the secretary.
   "E-Excuse me, miss, but I'm just wondering about a patient in Room 281. I-Is he still in surgery or–"
   "I– I'm afraid we can't tell right now, sir. We'll just have to wait until the morning until we get the results back, hopefully tomorrow anyways. Mr. Richardson is still in surgery."
   "I– I see," I paused for a moment, "Thank you."
   Then, I exited the hospital...
   Praying silently to myself that they would be okay.

(Book 2) - Our Weapon Of Love - Emo Boy and Nerdy Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now