9~ Oh the floof

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You woke up slowly after hearing someone opening the creaky upstairs bathroom door. You felt something under your head that definitely was not part of the couch, so you were terrified to open your eyes. You lay there for a few minutes with your eyes closed, pretending to be sleeping, until you inevitably fell back asleep. You had a short-lived dream about Morty's head exploding into confetti, and your creepy cousin perving on Summer.

When you woke back up, you were still scared to open your eyes, even more now because there was more of whatever it was under your head. You could feel Morty's arm leaning against your foot. You could also tell that the lights were off in the living room, but on in the kitchen because of the little orange blob in the corner of your eye. Whatever your head was on shifted a bit, but quickly stopped. There was a very quiet click and the voices of people on the TV, loud at first, but they got quieter. Morty slowly moved his arm away from your foot.

You felt a cold hand rest on your lower arm, followed by a wrist and forearm. The kitchen light had been turned off for a while, but you hadn't noticed. Yet again, you drifted back into a light sleep, only hearing the voices of characters on TV. The colors on the inside of your eyelids made little people who went along with the story you were hearing unfold.

The hand on your arm began to lightly shake you awake. Nervous as to where you would be sleeping, you opened your eyes... and immediately panicked. Your head was resting on Rick's thigh. You had been sleeping with your head...on...Rick's...thigh. Then, you realized that Rick hadn't pushed you off like you expected him to, and that he was fine with it. You relaxed again and tried to focus on the show that was on.

You could feel Rick look down at you, then back up at the TV. Your mind was too groggy to care about what anyone would be thinking, so you moved your head almost up to his waist and rested your hand under your cheek. His hand was still rested on your arm, and he shifted his hand so his fingertips were at your knuckles. He knew you were awake, so he changed the channel to something more interesting, which just so happened to be  Two Brothers (insert huge over done plot title). 

You felt something hard against your cheek when Rick moved his leg, and really hoped it wasn't what you thought it was. Luckily, it was his portal gun, which he pulled out of his pocket and set on the coffee table. Beth leaned into the living room doorway and gawked at the two of you for a split second before calling towards the stairs, "Breakfast's ready!" Morty hopped off the couch and ran into the kitchen. Rick lifted his hand off of yours and you sat up. As you headed into the dining room, he turned around and smiled at you awkwardly.

As you sat down next to Rick, Summer walked in, typing on her phone, followed by Jerry, looking extremely tired. Morty stepped in from the kitchen and sat across from you, and glanced from you to Rick a few times. Beth gave everyone a plate and set out platters of food to pick and choose from. Jerry sniffed the air and looked from Morty to Rick to you. "Where were you guys, yesterday?" "P- *URP* Purge planet." Rick said, grabbing some bacon. "Well, after breakfast, you all need to take showers, you smell awful."

All three of you glanced down at your bloodstained clothes. "Oh... Uh..." Morty sputtered. Summer stayed glued to her phone throughout breakfast. It was abnormally quiet. After you ate, you went over to your house and took a shower, then walked back to Rick's.  He greeted you in the garage and slid a box of parts towards you on the desk.  "What's this for?" He spun around in his chair, "Remember? I told you I would show you how to make a portal gun." You pointed a finger gun at him and pulled up a chair, "Plus 60 Schmeckles."

He frowned and kicked at the broken laser, "If I could get this damn thing to work." You noticed that he no longer had a small green stain on his lip. "Rick, you're sober. Take a drink." Most people would encourage him being sober, but he seemed happier when he had alcohol in his bloodstream. He picked up his flask and chugged about half of it, "H- *URP* Happy, now?" He met his gaze to yours drunkenly. You nodded and grinned, "Very."

Out of nowhere, what looked like a huge pile of ham covered in gravy with a toaster for a face flew into the garage. "Message for Rick, and company." You examined the thing while Rick reached between its... Flaps. "It's a Courier Flap, basically the intergalactic UPS but less off-putting." You hummed in acknowledgement and nodded. He pulled his hand out, holding a metal egg which he cracked onto the floor. A hologram projected from the yolk, and classical music played in the background. "Greetings from Birdperson 'and Tammy!' Inviting you to planet Squanch for our Mate-Melding ceremony-" before the Birdperson could finish. Rick covered the egg-vite with a rag and tossed it in the trash.

"Why'd you throw it away? Aren't you gonna go to his wedding?" Rick grunted and sat down on the hood of the ship, "Weddings are just funerals with cake." The courier flap flew of without a sound. "C'mon, Rick! Morty told me about Birdperson. He's your best friend! Why wouldn't you go to your best friend's wedding?" "Whatever, I'll go." He looked up at you, "But you're coming with me." You couldn't help but feel like this was just a not-so-subtle way to ask you to go somewhere with him.

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