4~ This girl's got sense

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After a few minutes of comfortable silence, mainly you and Morty staring out the windows into the vast ocean of stars, Rick spoke. "You guys should probably sleep on the way there. That way you won't want to bail on me half way through, and I won't have to answer any stupid questions." Just to bug him, you pointed to a button and asked, "Can I press it?" Morty gave you a look that said, "You shouldn't have asked that!" Rick scoffed, "Yeah, sure... If you wanna get *URP* ejected into the empty vacuum of space."

You drew your hand away from the button and sank back in your seat, sensing how annoyed Rick was getting with you. You decided to give him his space and slipped into the back seat with Morty. He blushed and smiled awkwardly before leaning his head against the window and closing his eyes. You did the same, trying to adjust to how frigidly cold the glass was.

Before you knew it, Morty was shaking you awake, and the glass against your forehead was damp and sticky. Rick muttered under his breath, "Ugh, how much sleep do you people need?" He spoke up, "Is she still asleep, Morty?" You raised your head up, frightening Morty a little, "No... No, I'm up." You yawned. Out the window you could see how humid and uncomfortable the air was. The sky was a pale greenish-blue, while the terrain was vibrant orange, topped with purple cactus looking foliage.

"Good. Get your *URP* helmet on. Morty'll seal it for you." Rick had his hand on the door handle, waiting to be able to open it safely. You noticed that Morty already had his on as you reached under the seat for yours. You moved your hair out of the way and put it on the closest you could get it to how Rick did. As Morty clicked the buttons, you held your breath more calmly than last time.

"I'll get the shovels." You offered as Rick opened the ship door and stepped out. You clambered to the front and followed him to the trunk, with Morty behind you. Immediately, you snatched up the three shovels and put them under your arm, realizing how low the gravity was here compared to Earth. Morty stood there awkwardly, realizing that he didn't have anything to help with as Rick got out his modified metal detector... or something.

After at least a half hour of walking, and Rick looking more bored by the second, his metal detector thing started beeping like crazy. He sloppily passed it to Morty and motioned for you to give him a shovel. You tossed him one, and it stood in the air for a few seconds before he snatched it away. "This place has really low gravity compared to Earth, (Y/N). It *URP*- the uh... Fuck... The- th-the suits, Morty! The suits have weighted soles to keep your *URP* feet on the ground." He seemed to get lost in his words and began to look at you as he spoke, but really be indirectly talking to Morty... Really only talking at you.

You nodded and handed a shovel to Morty while Rick pinpointed the exact location of the metal you were looking for. He drew a line in the dry dirt with his heel and stabbed it with the shovel. All three of you began digging until your shovel struck something hard enough to bend the bill back towards you. "Uh... Found it." The pit you had dug was so big at this point that you were at least ten feet away from Morty and Rick. Rick turned to you and dropped his shovel, "C'mon, Morty! We- *URP* we gotta get this stuff outta here before it gets too dark, this is a purge planet."

"Like the movie?" You asked, immediately realizing how dumb you sounded. "Yes, (Y/N), like that crappy movie you and Morty like." Rick bent down and started digging his hands under the large rock. You did the same and Morty tried to use his shovel like a lever to tip it, but just snapped the bill. Rick muttered something under his breath while he adjusted his grip.

After a few minutes, Rick shot a portal into the small gap you had made between the dirt and the ore, so you could all push it in to be found at their house later. When you had all clambered back into the ship and taken off your radiation gear, Morty, trying to break very, very thick ice, asked, "What school do you go to?" You grinned at the answer you were about to give, "I dropped out of college. School isn't a place for smart people." Rick, still piloting the ship, turned around in his seat and smirked, "See, M- *URP*- Morty? This girl's got sense. School is for idiots and people who think they're better than everyone else."

Stranded- Rick Sanchez x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin