3~ The Federation

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I noticed that there are more reads on chapter 2 than chapter 1... This isn't a one-shot thing. Either that or my Wattpad is messed up again.

After your traumatic experience with Eye Hole Man, Rick was forced to apologize. Morty suggested that you watch interdimensional TV for a few minutes before you get ready to leave.  He took you into the living room and picked up an odd looking remote and switched on the TV. Whatever movie or show started playing opened with a man eating what looked like crap out of a bowl. Rick strolled in, "It's a movie about a guy eating shit." He explained simply, flopping down on the couch next to you, putting you between him and Morty. He propped his arms on the back of the sofa and kicked his feet up on the table.

Rick asked Morty for the remote, then changed the channel to what looked like a normal cartoon. "What's so special about this?" You asked, trying to focus more on the show. "It *URP* looks like what we see as a cartoon, but those are r-*URP*- real people, (Y/N)." "Cool." You breathed, sinking back into the couch and immersing yourself in the show.

When the episode was about over, Rick promptly stood up and dragged you and Morty into the garage by your arms. "Awe, come on! We're missing the end!" You whined. Morty looked up at Rick like a puppy begging for table scraps. "Your weird puppy dog eyes don't work on me, Morty. We need to gas up the car and (Y/N) needs to try on my old suit before we leave." He started rummaging through a box labeled 'extra' until he pulled out a dirty looking suit that was once white, but was now spattered and stained. He also pulled out a thick clear helmet that looked like it suctioned to the neck of the suit.

He tossed you the suit, but sat the helmet on his desk and began polishing it while Morty started gassing up the car. "It reeks!" You exaggerated. It didn't smell too bad, but it didn't smell good. "You get used to it." Rick answered as he sat the helmet at your feet. You flipped the suit over in your hands and examined the rusty zipper.

Without thinking twice, you slipped off your shoes and stepped into the grimy radiation gear. Once you fanaggled your arms into the clingy sleeves, you reached to your back and yanked at the zipper, but could only get it up half way. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder and the zipper being pulled up the rest of the way.

When Morty started checking stats on the car, Rick stepped up from behind you and snatched up the helmet, "It'll lock on, you may or may not be able to breathe for a few seconds, so hold your breath." He explained. Terrified of not being able to breathe, you drew in as much air as you could before he popped the helmet on. There was a very audible click as it locked to the suit, and it felt like someone was pulling at the skin on your face. Rick pushed a button on the front and back of the helmet, and the suction was relieved. "Can *URP* can you breathe okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Are you sure this is safe?" You weren't ready to trust this guy you only officially met after he broke into your house... yet. He grunted and stuffed his portal gun into his lab coat, "I'm paying you 60 Schmeckles for this, and showing you how my portal gun works. Do *URP* you really think I'd let my new lab assistant die of radiat-*URP*- radiation poisoning?"

"Lab assistant?" Morty looked up to you, "Don't worry (Y/N), you're in sa-safe hands." He reassured. Rick nodded, "I can *URP* put you to good use. It'll be nice to have someone smar-*URP*-smarter than a half dead rat." "Hey!" Morty whined. "I'm kidding, Morty." He winked at you and spun you around to face the ship.

It felt as if the suit started to melt into your skin, but not in a bad way... as if the suit was just another layer of skin. "We're leaving." Rick announced simply. Morty threw himself into the passenger seat after helping you into the back. Rick turned the key and the car let out a loud purr. "Hold on to your asses!" He said enthusiastically as you took out from the garage with a whoosh. You got thrusted back into the seat a bit, but as you flew higher and higher, got more used to the pressure.

Rick popped open the glove box and tossed both you and Morty small but deadly looking guns, "If things get hairy, out there, shoot first and ask questions later. We can't have the federation breathing down my neck again." You looked from the pistol to him confusedly, "The Federation?" He kept laser focus on the sky ahead,

"Yeah, the *URP* Galactic  Federation has been all up my ass since me and a couple friends began a rebellion group. They're a *URP* bunch of self-obsessed egomaniacs who think they can control us. Don't listen to anything they say to you (Y/N), if anything. We can-*URP*- can't let them touch us. That stun gun you made? That automatically put you on one of their lists, if they find you and me in the same place, we're both royally fucked. You're an outlaw, now. We're all outlaws. Soon, they'll know you're with me, and they'll come after you. There's spies and undercover agents everywhere, so unless I say so, let me do the talking on foreign planets. Got all that?"

You nodded and tried to process all of what he just said. Morty shifted his legs, "Oh geez, Rick... What if we get caught?"

"We won't get caught, I only get caught on purpose."

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