6~ Unique

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Morty walked into the garage soon after you left to check on the loud noise he had heard, only to find Rick curled up in a ball on the hood of the 'car'. He was nuzzled into your sweatshirt, breathing deeply, like a puppy asleep on a blanket that smells like its owner. As Morty began to slowly step back out, Rick nuzzled his face into it even more. I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see that... Morty thought as he walked back upstairs.

At breakfast, Beth had just laid a plate of bacon down and everyone was taking some for themselves. Rick stepped in, blinking hard, and rubbing his forehead with one hand. In the other he held your sweatshirt, neatly folded. He glanced from person to person then down to you as he took his seat. Coincidentally, everyone had food in their mouths, including you, so no one said anything. Rick reached over and sat your sweatshirt on your lap. "I woke up with this next to me, so I'm just going to *URP* assume that we did something really stupid." You almost spat out your bacon, and so did Beth, Summer, and Jerry. Morty just looked disturbed.

You smiled awkwardly and moved your sweatshirt a little, making you look guilty to everyone else. Beth had her mouth half open and an eyebrow raised. "We- we didn't do anything. I left my sweatshirt in the garage." Rick let out a loud sigh of relief, "Good! That would've made you even more of a liability." Both you and Morty whined, "Hey!" At the same time.

Jerry, Beth, and Summer looked relieved to know that you and Rick hadn't done the horizontal square dance. Then, Rick admitted that he was far more drunk than usual last night, and needed a little while for the hangover to go away. You didn't believe a word of it. You knew that Rick was almost always drunk, and hangovers shouldn't be a problem at this point. You played along though, and agreed to spend the day with him and Morty, watching interdimensional TV or doing some other random activity.

While you were watching TV, Rick suggested going to another dimension that apparently had 'the best ice cream in the multiverse'. Summer walked in as soon as he said that, and dragged you back up to her room, saying "We need to get you ready!" She only needed a few seconds to pick out an outfit that you ended up looking great in, and took what felt like forever to do your makeup, which you barely consented to. "You look amazing!" she squealed as she handed you a mirror.

Not to brag, but yeah, you did look really good. Summer pushed you back out the door and you awkwardly made your way downstairs, a bit worried about Morty and Rick's reactions. Morty's eyes widened when he saw you, and he proceeded to blush uncontrollably. Rick gawked at you for a few seconds, then distracted himself with finding his keys.

"Well- uh... let's go!" Rick ran out to the garage, so you and Morty followed. Morty slid into the back seat while you sat up front and gazed over the collection of buttons and switches. Morty laughed quietly, "You don't have a hangover, do you?" "Nope!" Rick replied proudly. "Soooo....?" You asked, leaning in his direction. "Sooooo..." he began mockingly, "I wanted to hang out with my grandson." "Oh, come on, Rick. You never say that. There has to be a good reason."

Morty didn't usually talk like this. He knew what he was doing. "Jeez, Morty! Can't a guy just spend time with his grandson and hi- ugh, nevermind!" He was getting really defensive about it. "Come on, Rick." You nudged him a little. He seemed to crack but you could tell he was lying when he said, "Can't a guy just spend quality time with his grandson and-" he paused for a split second "- and his friend?"

You were glad that he didn't just call you his stupid lab assistant. "What parts did you need for the laser?" You asked, remembering his drunkenly strung together words. "Wait- what... oh... uh yeah, I *URP* need some of those old car battery parts I saw in your garage. The battery I put in was releasing too much electricity at once and it fried the whole thing."

Morty expected you two to be talking about science stuff for a while, so he curled up on the seat and fell asleep.

"What parts do you need?"

"Probably just the valve adapter and some negative plates."

"If it was releasing too much at once, you should try layering the negative plates but loosening the valve."

"Alright. I- *URP*- I'm not to good with car stuff so you'll have to show me how to do it."

"I just remembered something."


"You promised to show me how your portal gun works."

He rolled his eyes.

"After we sell that metal. I'll have to buy a crap ton of parts to make a new one."

"You said that was a purge planet, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"We should go there and purge sometime. I think Morty has a lot of repressed anger."

"No shit he does. One time, we were on a purge planet and I made him think that he was so violent because of this chemical in the candy bars some guy gave us. The stuff's called Purgenol, it makes you really violent and agrivated, but they removed it. So he killed a shit load of people and blamed it on some chocolate."

You turned around to look at the teenager asleep on the back seat. It was weird to think that he had purged.

"Weird. So, what am I really an assistant for?"

"It- I- it's not specific, pretty much everything."

"Why do Ricks always have a Morty?"

"Ricks are extremely easy to track because of our heightened brain waves. Mortys have... well... Morty rays that cover up their Rick's."

"Then does every Rick have a/an

"Probably, but some timelines have unique people that don't appear anywhere else. I've been in a ton of *URP* other timelines, many of which started before ours, and I've never seen a Rick with another (Y/N)."

"So I'm unique?"

"Most likely, yes. I'm probably the only Rick who has a/an (Y/N)."

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