7~ Purge Pt.1

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After a while of talking with Rick about the possibility of you being completely unique to the entire multiverse, you stopped on a dusty looking planet to get gas. Morty slowly woke up as the landing gear touched the ground. "Yet another purge planet. Morty, stay in the car." He laughed awkwardly, "Gladly." You stepped out of the car with Rick and followed him to the general store.

You looked behind you, "Rick... it's almost sundown." He glanced at the skyline behind you. "It's fine. This'll only take a second. I have guns in the car anyway." He replied nonchalantly. "You know how to shoot, right?" You smirked mischeviously, "Duh, I've been keeping my gun in my pants." He glanced back at your hips for a second, "Uh... where?" You pulled the gun out from beside your hip and it slowly straightened out. "I'm gonna guess you have something to do with this, but it's all maluable now."

He stifled a laugh. "How in the hell...?" He didn't know where that sentence was going, anyway. You giggled a bit as you stepped up onto the porch of a general store. "I have absolutely no idea." He leaned against a wooden support beam and looked down at the cat person sitting in a rocking chair. "I need some gas." He said simply. The man nodded and pulled a can of gas out from behind his chair, along with two candy bars in red wrapping.

Rick took the gas and candy from the man and handed him a fistful of bills. He flipped the candy over in his hand while you gazed up and down the slowly darkening streets. "Y'all should get going..." the man said quietly as you turned to leave. "The festival starts tonight." Rick scoffed and turned to him, "We can fight if we need to." You noticed that Rick was becoming much more calm than normal.

You turned back to the old man, "What kind of stuff do you do?" Rick face palmed. "We don't have time, (Y/N). Please, let's just go. I hate this place." Suddenly, you heard a shrill scream from down the street. Only then did you realize that the sun had gone down. "Rick!" Morty screamed. Without thinking twice, you glanced urgently towards Rick and bolted towards the ship, steadying your gun in your hand.

At the end of the street, you could see people swarming the ship, and attempting to rip it apart. "The guns, Morty!" Rick yelled from behind you. You set your pistol to disintegrate and aimed at the most dangerous man's head. "Off the car. Now." The man looked at you like you were just a child. He ripped a gun from his holster, but before he could shoot, his body blew away in the wind. You felt the adreniline rush through your system. The other five purgers on the ship slowly backed off. "Drop all your shit!" Rick yelled, approaching them slowly.

You aimed from man to man, threatening to pull the trigger again. Morty, terrified for his life, scrambled through the back seat, looking for a weapon. Rick still had no gun, so he stood by you, giving them all a death glare as they dropped their weapons and ammo, and scurried away. When the men were out of sight, you hurried to the car and swung the front door open. Morty jumped out from the back seat and clung to you for dear life. You lowered your gun and hugged him.

Rick clambered into the back seat from the other side and grabbed three
sci-fi-esc guns and a holster. He slid across the hood and placed the holster and a white pistol in your off hand. At last, Morty let go. "Rick please! Let's
j-just get out of here! That w-w-was really mentally scarring!" Rick was obviously fuming, "We can't. They took my god damn microverse *URP* battery. (Y/N), if I can get you the parts, you think y-you could make us a makeshift battery?" He looked at you, still angry, but with a glimmer of hope.

You nodded and buckled the holster around your waist, tucking the white pistol into it afterward. Morty gazed around the inside of the open hood, "Can't it fly without a b-battery, Rick? It- It's m-mostly car parts..." He shook his head and examined the empty battery slot, "This is a space ship, M-Morty. The gas keeps it moving on the ground. The battery is what makes her fly." You stepped up beside Rick and looked in as well. "It won't take me much to make one that can get us home."

Rick began gassing up the car while Morty sat on the hood, looking far paler than usual. The purgers around you must've seen what you did to that guy, so they kept their distance. The others wouldn't play it so safe.

After Rick pulled the ship up behind an empty shack, you busted a window open and climbed in. The place was filled with antique guns, for which Rick had no regard. He began cracking them open and spilling parts out onto the table. "A- are you sure that's a good idea, Rick? Won't they explode or something?" You glanced through the front windows, "It's fine, Morty." Without a word, Rick began breaking up everything with some sort of mechanical parts in the shack.

"(Y/N)." Rick stopped what he was doing and looked over to you. You met his gaze and tilted your head. "Can you go out to the car with Morty and get some of my tools from the trunk? There might be some good parts in there, too." Morty waited for you for a few seconds by the door. You walked outside with your gun drawn, and kept guard while Morty pulled parts and tools from the trunk until he couldn't hold any more. You followed him inside, slammed the door, and bolted it.

After he dumped the parts on the rickety table, you scavenged through them for anything remotely close to a car part. Luckily, there were a few salvageable bits and pieces, but it wouldn't be enough. You met Rick's gaze with a loss of hope, "I need a lot more." Morty whimpered as Rick kept spreading out the parts. Morty walked to a corner silently and curled up in the fetal position. Out of the blue, he spoke up, "R-Rick! There's a lighthouse! Can- can't we use some parts from that?"

You stepped up to one of the windows and saw a lighthouse in the distance. Rick stood next to you, "(Y/N)?" He met your gaze with a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. "It might work..." you noticed a small swarm of purgers east of the lighthouse, "They'll be a problem, though. My gun's almost out of charge." Morty perked up. "Rick! Y- your portal gun!" Rick pulled his portal gun from a pocket in his lab coat and pulled the trigger, earning a small burst of green light that just sputtered out. "We can't portal home, either. Something here's interfering with my gun."

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