5~ Parts

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I'm gonna call a third person part revolving around one character a 'drone' from now on.

Rick had set a machine going in the garage that was slowly breaking down the ore that you dug up. You flopped on the couch next to Morty just as Summer walked in. "Hey, (Y/N)." You guessed that she got your name from Beth or Morty. All of a sudden, she perked up like a little kid in a candy shop, "Do you wanna spend the night? We can do like... Makeovers and stuff!" Morty smiled at you sweetly and you turned back to Summer, "Yeah, sure. It'll be fun." Summer squealed a bit and ran up to her room, "I'm gonna set you up a bed!"

Morty had been in the garage with Rick for a while, earlier, and you decided to ask something out of the ordinary, for you at least... "Did Rick say anything about me?" You usually wouldn't care about something like this, but now, you did. Morty looked up at you and moved his feet a little. "He- He'd kill me if he knew I told you this..." He trailed off. "I won't tell Rick." You reassured him.

"W-well... He said that you were pretty competent and smarter than me... And that you showed real potential as a companion. He's never said anything nice about me to my face." You ruffled his hair and met your gaze to his, "You said he'd kill you if you told me, so he's probably said way more nice things to his friends or to your mom." You smiled at him and he grinned hopefully. "Th-th-thanks

Following the loud slam of a door, Rick stepped in and took a swig from his flask. "Sup dweebs, what'd I miss?" He let out a loud belch and flopped down next to you on the couch. "We're trying to find something to watch. Oh and by the way, I'm spending the night with Summer." You told him. Morty started channel surfing for something to watch. Rick looked shocked, intrigued, and oddly awkward all at the same time. He quickly reverted back to his stone-cold expression before you could say anything.

"She said we're gonna do makeovers and stuff." You couldn't help but think about what he had said about you. "I don't expect you'll be very entertained with her. She's pretty boring." He said simply. He seemed less sporadic than you were used to. "I don't think it'll be too bad. I've never really had friends before." He and Morty both immediately turned their heads from the TV to you. "Y-you've never had friends before?" Morty stammered. Rick bit his lip like he was thinking hard and raised half of his unibrow. "I'm your f-f-friend, right?" Morty squeaked.

You turned to him and grinned, "Of course, I've never really had more than one. You're my only friend right now." Morty blushed and couldn't help but smile. It was partially truthful, and partially to see what Rick would say. He scoffed and turned back to the TV, "Friends are just people who you have to outrun to escape the demons." Even for Rick, that sounded kinda dark. "But Rick-" Morty was cut off, "Shut your face Morty. Let me watch this." You were going to ask about his thing about outrunning demons, but Summer called you from upstairs.

You playfully poked Morty as you got up in the hopes of making him smile again. You jogged upstairs to Summer's room. She had an air mattress set up on the floor, topped with some really fluffy pillows and a soft looking blanket. "Come 'ere, I wanna pick you out an outfit!" She motioned you to her closet.

Rick Drone

Rick rummaged through the fridge and pulled out some cold pizza, and ate it like that. Morty told him 'good night' and had gone to bed for the night, leaving Rick alone. He could hear you two talking all the way downstairs, but just faintly. He was oddly happy to hear his name getting mentioned so much. Rick groggily stepped out into the garage to check on how the ore was going along. He was shocked to see that his machine had broken down. One of the lazers was barely handing by a wire and the metal was blackened from an internal fire.

He rummaged through the garage for the parts he needed to fix it, but couldn't seem to find them. He knew for a fact that you had what he needed, but your garage door was locked and he wasn't just going to break into your house again. Rick considered asking you then, but rarely enough, didn't want to ruin your time with Summer. So he decided to wait until breakfast.

Third Person

You and Summer had been up until around 1:30 am, just laying in your bed and talking. You were about to fall asleep, but a loud crash from the garage startled you awake. You guessed that Rick had epically failed and blew something up, so dragged yourself off the half deflated air mattress and headed down to the garage. You found Rick blacked out on the hood of his car, with the lazer that had been mining out the ore completely ruined.

You sneaked over to the garage door and shut is as quietly as you could. When you heard the metal of the hood shift, you turned to see Rick struggling to sit up straight. You helped him up and sat on the hood next to him. There was a large stain of booze on the corner of his lip. He burped. "I- I... uhhh... need your parts f-for myself..." he stuttered drunkenly. You hoped that in his drunken state, he didn't mean what had just come out. You giggled a bit and said, "Please tell me you mean machine parts."

He nodded groggily and struggled to keep his eyes open. You untied the sweatshirt you had around your waist, folded it, and set it on the windshield behind his head, just in time for him to fall asleep and flop back onto it.

Stranded- Rick Sanchez x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant