Chapter 1

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I'm Jane Viscuso. I'm your common 15 year old girl. Well that's what it looks like. I've grown up with a father who enjoys taking out his anger on me, and a mom who just stands there and watches. Both my mom and dad both work at a nice public school, the same one I go to. Now yes, from the outside I seem like a normal girl. I have an iPhone, a nice room, nice clothes, I have nice things. For one price. Silence. Now you see my father made this deal with me, that if he bought me and iPhone and gave me a nice room and occasionally gives me nice things that I wouldn't tell anyone what he does to me. God forbid someone in the school finds out about what happens. His Mr. Nice Guy reputation would be gone. And so would I. Because he would most likely kill me.

I deal with a lot of issues in my life. I'm not really the best mentally. I don't mean intelligence, I mean that I have many different forms of anxiety disorder, depression, and PTSD. I very frequently self harm and I don't really eat anymore. I figured all of the mental illness part out a few years ago, when my aunt realized that my grades were slipping. Having bad grades was not normal for me. I actually skipped 2nd grade due to already knowing the curriculum and I'm in all honors classes. I frequently got straight A's on my report card. But when I had a C in science class and I had B's in all my other classes, my aunt took me to a psychiatrist, and I figured out everything I had wrong with me.

One night however, everything just got too much. I was physically exhausted due to the fact that I was being chased around by my father around our huge house. Not in a fun way either. If he got ahold of me he would pin me down and have his way, screaming at me, his face centimeters away from mine. I managed to make it into my bedroom, but he was banging on the door nonstop and trying to push it open. I leaned all of my weight onto the door to try and prevent him from opening it. And when he finally walked away for a few minutes, I booked it out the window. My room was on the second floor, but there was bushes right underneath so they cushioned the fall a little, but they ripped my hoodie and got it all wet.

Once I got out of the bushes, I ran as fast as I could at that moment down the street filled with giant houses. I ran and ran until I reached a house that had its lights on, so I knew the owner was up. I felt absolutely terrible for bothering someone else but my dad could be right behind me, and I can't let him get me. I can't.

Surprisingly the gate was open so I ran up to the door and knocked frantically, afraid that my dad could be looking for me. The door swung open and I was greeted by a short curvy woman with dark brown hair. She was beautiful and had an amazing smile, but it soon dropped when she caught sight of me.

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