Chapter 24

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Keith woke up first this time, silently slipping out of bed so he didn't wake up Lance. He looked over to Lance, who was sleeping softly in his bed with one leg sticking out of the covers. 

Keith made his way to the dining hall and got some food. No one else seemed to be up yet. After he finished breakfast, Keith decided to check up on the main room to see if there were anything going on in the galaxy for today.

The door opened and Shiro walked in. He looked sleepy."Oh, Morning Keith." He called.

"Hey Shiro." Keith replied."How'd you sleep?" 

"Could've been better." Shiro grumbled."What about you?"

Keith felt his face getting hot as he recalled his second time sleeping with Lance. The extra body heat had put him right to sleep. "Uhh, yeah..umm, it was fine." Keith stuttered, awkwardly making his way to the door. "See you later."

Shiro stared after him, confused as Keith made his way to the control room. "Keith, great timing!" Coran exclaimed.

"Hmm?" Keith replied, looking up at Coran as he entered. 

"I need you to hold this in place for me while I seal it." Coran asked.

"Uh, okay." Keith said, making his way to Coran's side. Coran handed him a few wire-like things and a small crystal. 

"I'm repairing the alarm systems,"Coran explained, "One of the mice must've chewed it last night. Hold those two like this.." Coran instructed. Keith did as he was told while Coral binded them together. 

"Alright, that should do it." Coran huffed. Keith stepped back as Coran pressed the activation button.

Suddenly the alarm went off. "Oh dear!" Coran hurried to the control pannel.

"Is this supposed to happen or is this a real alert??" Keith exclaimed.

"It's real all right!" Coran shouted, turning off the alarm. "Its a distress signal from a nearby planet called Miroedova, the alarm was off so we didn't detect it until now. We have to hurry!"

The door opened behind Keith and Hunk, Shiro and Lance ran in. "Nearby planet is in danger, not sure of the specifics yet, but you all need to hurry and get to your Lions!"

"Okay!" Lance responded as all four of them went to their lions.

They passed Pidge in the hall and filled her in, while Allura and Matt joined Coran in the control room. "Lance, are you sure you're okay?" Keith heard Shiro call.

"Don't worry! "Lance called back with a smile."I'm looking forward to this, I haven't ridden Blue in forever!"

Keith chuckled, glad he was back to his old self again.  They made it to their Lions while the Castle jumped to the planet's location. 

*Alright Paladins, you'll have to be really careful with this one.* Allura radioed.*According to the distress signal, the Galra have the Miroedovans constructing something for them. We need to first make contact with the survivors and formulate a plan to destroy the weapon *

*Just leave it to us Allura* Shiro called

*Oh yeah, this is gonna be a piece of cake!* Lance exclaimed. 

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