Chapter 2

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Keith couldn't sleep.

It had to have been around 11 o'clock, and everyone else was sleeping. Keith got up and walked out of his room. Walking around the castle might help clear my head, he thought. 

Keith walked into the kitchen and got some water, then headed to the main part of the castle. He wanted to look out at the stars through the huge windows in there. Keith took a sip of water and pushed the button that made the door open. 

The doors opened with a swish and Keith stepped out into the huge room, looking around. It seemed bigger without everyone else around. He took another sip of water and walked over towards the edge of the window. Suddenly Keith spotted a human-like figure covered in a blanket hunched by the window. Keith almost choked on his water. Who was out here in the middle of the night? Keith wondered. 

Keith creeped closer, until he spotted the familiar-looking headphones."Lance?" Keith called.

The hunched figure turned to look at him, surprised. "Oh, Keith.." Lance took off his headphones and moved the blanket so it wasn't covering his face.

"What are you doing up so late?" Lance asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Keith replied. Lance nodded slowly and looked back out to the stars. "I couldn't sleep. "

Lance sighed." Yeah, me too."

Keith moved to sit next to him, setting his glass of water down next to him. "Is something wrong?" Keith asked.  He wanted to ask Lance how long he'd been there, and why he was just staring out into space.  He looked at Lance. There was something sad about the look on his face. 

"Yeah, " Lance said."Just thinking about.. stuff."

"Oh." Keith responded, looking out at the stars. There were millions, if not billions out there. "What kind of stuff?"

"Space." Lance sighed."..Earth... Home." 

"Do you miss it?" Lance asked. Keith looked at him in confusion."The Earth, I mean." 

"Uh, yeah, I guess." Keith responded. He hadn't really thought about it. Sure, he missed Earth, but he didn't really have any family back there. To be honest, he liked being a part of Voltron more than anything, and it finally seemed as though he was getting closer to the truth about his past. 

"We're so far away from the Earth I cant even see it." Lance whispered. Keith felt a pang in his chest. "It's been so long since I've seen my family, they probably think I'm dead." Lance laughed half-heartedly. Keith knew he didn't really find it funny, just laughing at how ridiculous the situation was. "I mean, I know we have important missions and stuff, and the world needs Voltron.. but..."

Lance looked at Keith. "I wanna go home Keith.." Keith looked into Lance's eyes and saw tears. Keith wished he could say something to make him feel better. He had known Lance for a long time now, but it seemed like he barely knew him. And now, when Lance actually tells him, Keith couldn't do anything. 

Lance suddenly sat up a little, rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry," He started, trying to get rid of the awkwardness between them." It's late and I'm just tired."

"No, It's okay." Keith mumbled. Lance stopped." I don't really have anyone back home, so I didn't realize it before.. How much the rest of you miss home."

"Oh.. I'm sorry." Lance stared at him.

"But I have you all here with me." Keith shrugged."So its not that bad." He paused, the two of them just staring at each other.

The silence was killing him. Keith felt his face getting hot and he panicked, standing up. "I uh- You should get some sleep."

"Right." Lance said, looking at his feet. Keith looked down at Lance. He seemed smaller than usual, curled up under the blanket, Keith realized."You too." 

"Yeah." Keith said, walking back to his room. Halfway there Keith realized he left his water.

 I'll get it in the morning, he thought. 

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