Chapter 10

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"Guys! We got it!" Pidge exclaimed. "We know where Lance is!"

Keith sat up. He had been laying on the couch after Matt told him to stop looking over his shoulder. It had already been three days since Lance got captured, and they were all a little impatient. Hunk came running. Keith hurdled over the couch to where everyone was gathered.

"WHere is he??' Hunk exclaimed.

"In space??" Pidge responded impatiently." I just have the coordinates, not his surroundings, Hunk."

"That's wonderful Pidge!" Allura exclaimed. Matt looked on, a little disappointed that no one gave him credit for helping too.  

"Let's go get suited up." Keith said. Hunk and Keith ran out the door, not wasting another moment. 

"Alright then. " Shiro called. "Allura, you'll take the Blue Lion."

"Right." Allura agreed. They all ran to get ready for the jump.  Matt and Coran stayed behind to pilot the castle as they jumped to Lance's coordinates. 

The day before, Shiro had gone over a plan with them. Basically, what to expect in case it was a trap. They were all prepared for what could happen, and every paladin carried a small first aid kit attached to their hip. Coran had shown them one of his tutorial videos for how to give basic first aid, and they had all gone through it, even Shiro. It was nice for the team to be doing something together again, even under the circumstances.  

It felt good to be back in his lion. Keith took the controls, sensing his lion's impatience. Keith knew his lion sensed Lance was in danger. Back when Keith was piloting the black lion, Lance was the only other person who could pilot Red. "We'll get him back Red, don't worry." Keith whispered.

*Everyone ready?* Shiro called

*Yup* Pidge and Hunk replied.

*Good to go Shiro* Allura called.

*Ready* Keith responded.

*Get ready for the jump*

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