XII. Isaiah

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I never expected to see Max here, It doesn't seem to be her scene, maybe before but not now. I get up and walk over there, ignoring Ivy, who's calling after me. She looks at me then averts her eyes then looks back at me again.

"Hey, fancy seeing you here," I say while smiling at her.
"So your stalking me now?" She looks up at me with an annoyed look.
"Woah I was here first." I throw my hands up in surrender. She roles her eyes and looks down at her phone.

"So, who's the guy your with," I decide to ask straight up without holding back. I'm not playing around here.
She looks at me confused and says,
"Who? My brother? Please, he's the one who dragged me here."

I sighed, looking physically relieved. I'm glad she's not with some stuck up college football player or something.
"My sister dragged me here too," I tell her. I look over to her brother and see he's paying at the register.

I wanna leave before he comes back over here, I don't wanna encounter the awkward "who the fuck are you" conversation with her brother. I know how it feels because I had to have those conversations with my sister's boyfriends.

"Well, I'll see you around." She waves me goodbye and I walk back over to my sister. Ivy looks at me with curiosity and Michael sips on a drink while on his phone, totally not interested.

I sit down and cross my arms across my chest.
"Who's that girl you were just talking to," Ivy asks me. I look over to Max and she looks irritated. I just want to wipe that look off and put a smile on her face.
"Just a girl," I tell her, leaving out information about me building her deck.

"Do you like her?" I've been asking myself that for the past few days. I barely know her but I feel like I've known her for years. It's like something has been missing in my life and when I'm around her, that feelings gone.

I sound like a cliche book character. I don't know her, I don't have feelings for her.
"I barely know her, she's in one of my classes and I just asked her a question, that's it." I look over at her, and she looks more pissed than before.

I wonder what's going on?
"Hmmm okk," Ivy says, obviously not convinced.
"Can we leave now? This place makes me uncomfortable." I look around and see basic white people with thier basic coffee. Totally not my scene.

"Not until we resolve things zaiah." I hate when she uses my nickname. I visually sigh and roll my eyes. We're going to be here for awhile.


Thirty minutes has passed and we're full on arguing. We left the Starbucks when the conversation escalated and now we're sitting on a park bench away from population.

Michael has tried to calm us down several times but we've pretty much ignored him. It's not like we're yelling at each other, it's more like angrily talking to each other.

She's pissing me off and it's taking all my strength to not attack her right now. She keeps telling me how it's not a big deal that she exposed me to everyone. That she was trying to help me, that she saved me. Not once did she apologize for taking my poems and showing them to everyone.

By everyone I mean my dad, my stepmother, my therapist, my psychologist, everyone. Not once did she apologize for betraying me. She's the reason why I was in a mental facility for all of junior year. What kind of a sister is she?

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