"He and I could be friends if he wasn't such an obstacle in my way to bring Zeref-sama back" he said and he noticed the distress on Erza's face "Do you miss him?"

She didn't said anything but he knew the answer to that.

"Well you won't miss him anymore because he is coming here" he said making her look up surprise "Yes, I can feel his great power in the distance, yes I can say he would be here by midday, maybe faster" he said before putting his mouth on her ear "And when he arrives I will make you watch as I pull his pink haired head out of his body and burn the rest before I use your body as much as I want"

He step back, cracking his nose back into place and waving his hand at Erza and exiting the room "Bye my sweet Erza, I can't wait for us to be together" he was gone.

"I will kill you Jellal" she whispered, blood dropping from her fists as she press them extremely hard "I will rip every limb from your body and make you eat them before stab your throat and let you choke on your own blood" she struggle against the restrains "DO YOU HEAR ME YOU FUCKER, I WILL KILL YOU, MY FACE WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU SEE BEFORE YOU DIE" she screamed at the now empty room.

She sobbed and cursed in anger for hours until the sun came out and illuminated the room.

Her voice was hoarse from the screams and the crying she had done all night.

"Erza?" said a voice from the entrance of the cell. She look up and glared at the man in the door. Her mouth opened to spoke an insult but no words came out only a little hoarse groan. The man approached her and put his hands on her wrists softly.

She closed her eyes expecting him to touch her.

Click. Click. Slang.

The shackles came down hitting the ground and leaving Erza on her knees to fall to the ground. She quickly reequipped her armor and pointed her sword at the man face "Why did you liberate me, Simon?" she asked him while he put his hands in the air in a sign of peace "Tell me before I cut you down"

"Wait Erza, I'll explain everything to you but first... you can come in" he said and from the door came the sounds of little footsteps making Erza heart tug.

Pink hair was the first thing she saw. She dropped her sword to the ground "Mommy" said the little girl before she jumped into her mother's arms, embracing her for all that was worth. The little girl sobbed on Erza's metal armor while Erza kept her head on her neck while crying softly. She felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders when she felt her daughter warm breath hitting against the skin of her neck.

Erza panted in relief and dropped to her knees with her daughter still on her arms, shaking in happiness.

She took her daughter's face on her hands, inspecting her "Are you okay Hinami? Did they do anything to you?" she asked franticly while patting her daughter's entire body.

Hinami shook her head "The cat woman and the cube man were about to led me to the top of the tower before Simon came and knock them out" she said looking up and the big man watching the door.

"Simon" said Erza taking his attention "Thank you" she said making him blush at her beautiful gentle face.

"You're welcome but let's get out of here" he said and she nodded lifting Hinami on her back in a piggyback and taking her sword back before both exited the room "We need to drop Hinami with your friends and then we can destroy Jellal" he look at her with a teasing smirk "They say you are a S-Class mage now, think you're up for it?"

She laugh and smile confidently "Of course, I'm all fired up"


"Jellal-sama, do you think it is wise to let them escape?" asked the pink haired woman while bowing to the blue haired man who sat on his throne watching the running Erza on a lacrima vision "They could become trouble"

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