Now it Begins

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Knock. Knock.

"Arghhh..." she complained not wanting to get up from her comfortable and soft bed she had just buy the day before.

Knock. Knock. Knock!

She look up from her pillow to her nightstand and saw the little clock in the form of a star.

7:00 am

(It's too early, who would come visit me at this hour and how did they know I now live here?)

She stood there wondering not wanting to leave the safety of her blanket, so she lay back in her pillow deciding to ignore the person that was knocking on her door.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock!

And so the knocking continue and she kept ignoring it.

(Maybe they would stop after a while and go)

And the knocking did stop.

A sigh of relief left her mouth, she could finally go back to resting.

Yesterday had been an exhausting day, with joining Fairy Tail and being introduced to every one of her new guild mates, plus she hadn't had anywhere to sleep so she went looking through Magnolia for a place to live and finally she have found a nice apartment that only cost 70,000 jewels a months which was reasonable price in her opinion. All in all it was a nice day extremely tiring but really nice.


Suddenly her bed wasn't soft and comfortable anymore, now it was rigid and cold.

Her hold body was shaking by the extreme cold her bed was emanating, so she did the logical thing to do.

Jump out of her bed.

"You know it's not nice to ignore one of your guild mates" said a man that now she noticed was sitting in the window next to her bed – that now was completely covered in ice – only dressed in his boxers.

She stared at him with wide eyes not believing it. And he just wave his hand at her and said "Hi blondie"



It seem almost impossible for Lucy to get up from the floor and get to Gray - that was almost five meters from where she was sitting - and punch him in the face in less than three seconds.

But she did it, and Gray is an experienced mage while Lucy is a rookie and still he couldn't even defend himself by the sheer speed she display in that moment.

"Aaaaaaa" screamed Gray while falling down from a two floor building before heavily crashing in to the hard ground.

He groaned rubbing his back slowly getting up.

Lucy look at him from the window, her face sporting a deep blush "You pervert, how you dare climb through my bedroom window?"

"I'm not a pervert, and I knocked several times and you didn't answer" he said back to her equally annoyed.

"Maybe if you learn to be a normal person you would understand that nobody wakes up at SEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE FREAKING MORNING!" she screamed at him.

Gray sigh deciding to give up with this.

"I'm sorry Blondie" said Gray bowing down "I won't do it again, now can I come in? I got something important to tell you"

Lucy look at him her face full of doubt, she was suspicious about his intentions.

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